The Toddler StoryBible Curriculum
Complete Interactive Preschool Lessons (Ages 2-4) To Introduce Your Little One To Jesus
Month 1: God Created Me
Weeks 1-5
How Do I Explain God's Creation In The Beginning?
God Made Everything (Genesis 1-2)
Lesson 1
What Is The Story Of The First Humans Adam And Eve?
Adam and Eve (Genesis 2-3)
Lesson 2
Why Did God Flood The World But Save Noah?
Noah's Ark (Genesis 6-9)
Lesson 3
What Was The Tower Of Babel And Their Languages?
The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11)
Lesson 4
Who Was Abraham And Why Was He The Father Of Many Nations?
Abraham (Genesis 12-21)
Lesson 5
Month 2: God Knows Me
Weeks 6-9
Month 3: God Is With Me
Weeks 10-14
What Are The 10 Commandments?
The 10 Commandments (Exodus 20)
Lesson 10
How Did Joshua Make Jericho Fall Down?
Joshua (Joshua 1-24)
Lesson 11
Who Was Gideon And How Did He Win With 300 Men?
Gideon (Judges 6-8)
Lesson 12
Was Samson The Strongest Man In The World?
Samson (Judges 13-16)
Lesson 13
What Did Ruth Do For Us To Remember Her Faithfulness?
Ruth (Ruth 1-4)
Lesson 14
Month 4: God Helps Me
Weeks 15-18
How Was Samuel A Great Prophet?
Samuel (1 Samuel 1 - 2 Samuel 24)
Lesson 15
Who Was David And Why Was He A Man After God's Own Heart?
David (1 Samuel - 1 Chronicles)
Lesson 16
What Are The Psalms And How Can I Learn From Them?
Psalms (Psalm 1-150)
Lesson 17
Who Was Solomon And Why Was He So Wise?
Solomon (1 Kings - 2 Chronicles)
Lesson 18
Month 5: God Cares For Me
Weeks 19-23
What Are The Proverbs And Why Is It Wisdom Literature?
Proverbs (Proverbs 1-31)
Lesson 19
Why Is Everything Vanity From Ecclesiastes?
Ecclesiastes (Ecclesiastes 1-12)
Lesson 20
Can You Tell Me About The Prophet Elijah?
Elijah (1 Kings 16- 2Kings 2)
Lesson 21
Who Was Job And What Can We Do When Bad Things Happen?
Job (Job 1-42)
Lesson 22
Did Jonah Really Live In A Whale For 3 Days?
Jonah (Jonah 1-4)
Lesson 23
Month 6: God Has A Plan For Me
Weeks 24-27
How Did Daniel Survive The Lion's Den?
Daniel (Daniel 1-12)
Lesson 24
Who Was Queen Esther And How Did She Save Her People?
Esther (Esther 1-10)
Lesson 25
Why Did The Israelites Need To Rebuild Jerusalem?
Rebuilding the Temple (Ezra-Nehemiah)
Lesson 26
Why Are The Minor Prophets Important?
Minor Prophets (Hosea - Malachi)
Lesson 27
Month 7: Jesus Is My Friend
Weeks 28-32
Why Is The Birth of Jesus Christ Significant?
The Birth Of Christ (Luke 2)
Lesson 28
Who Was John The Baptist And Why Was Jesus Baptized?
The Baptism Of Jesus (Matthew 3)
Lesson 29
How Did Satan Try To Tempt Jesus In The Wilderness?
The Temptation Of Jesus (Matthew 4)
Lesson 30
Who Were The 12 Disciples Of Jesus?
Jesus Calls the Disciples (Mark 1)
Lesson 31
What Is The Sermon On The Mount From Jesus' Teaching?
The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7)
Lesson 32
Month 8: Jesus Forgives Me
Weeks 33-36
What Is The Lord's Prayer And How Do I Pray?
The Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6)
Lesson 33
How Did Jesus Feed The 5000 with Loaves And Fish?
Jesus Feeds the 5000 (Matthew 14)
Lesson 34
How Did Jesus Walk On Water And Calm The Storm?
Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14)
Lesson 35
Who Was The Good Samaritan And How Can I Be A Neighbor?
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10)
Lesson 36
Month 9: Jesus Guides Me
Weeks 37-40
What Is The Parable Of The Prodigal Son And Who Was It For?
The Prodigal Son (Luke 15)
Lesson 37
Who Was Lazarus, And Did Jesus Really Raise Him From The Dead?
The Raising of Lazarus (John 11)
Lesson 38
Did Jesus Really Ride On A Donkey For His Triumphal Entry?
The Triumphal Entry (Matthew 21)
Lesson 39
What Happened At The Last Supper Of Jesus?
The Last Supper (Matthew 26)
Lesson 40
Month 10: Jesus Loves Me
Weeks 41-44
Why Did Jesus Have To Die On The Cross For Our Sins?
Jesus' Crucifixion (Matthew 27)
Lesson 41
How Did Jesus Come Back From The Dead?
Jesus' Resurrection (Matthew 28)
Lesson 42
Did Jesus Really Ascend Into The Clouds?
The Ascension Of Jesus (Acts 1)
Lesson 43
What Was The Pentecost And How Do You Get The Holy Spirit?
Pentecost (Acts 2)
Lesson 44
Month 11: Jesus Can Save Me
Weeks 45-48
Who Was Philip And The Ethiopian?
Philip and the Ethiopian (Acts 8)
Lesson 45
Who Was Peter And What Was The Vision He Had With Cornelius?
Peter and Cornelius (Acts 10)
Lesson 46
Who Was The Apostle Paul And What Letters Did He Write?
Paul (Romans - 2 Timothy)
Lesson 47
Who Was Timothy And Why Was He So Young?
Timothy (1-2 Timothy)
Lesson 48
Month 12: Jesus Wants A Relationship With Me
Weeks 49-52
What Is The Armor Of God And How Do I Put It On?
The Armor of God (Ephesians 6)
Lesso 49
What Are All The Fruits Of The Spirit?
The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5)
Lesson 50
Why Is Faith, Hope, and Love So Important?
Faith, Hope, and Love (1 Corinthians 13)
Lesson 51
Where Will I Go To Be With Jesus Forever?
The New Heaven and the New Earth (Revelation 19-22)
Lesson 52