Lesson 30 - The Temptation Of Jesus
But he answered, “It is written,“ ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” (Matthew 4:4)

Jesus Goes into the Wilderness
Parent Explanation:
Jesus went to a quiet place called the wilderness to talk to God and get ready for His big job of teaching people about God’s love.
Questions to Ask:
Where did Jesus go to prepare? (Answer: The wilderness)
What did Jesus do in the wilderness? (Answer: Prayed and fasted)
Hand Motions:
Walking Gesture: Mimic walking slowly to show Jesus going into the wilderness.
Praying Hands: Fold hands to represent prayer.
Quiet Time Activity: Have a quiet time where children can sit silently, feeling the peace like Jesus might have in the wilderness.
Interactive Question: What do you do when you want to feel calm?

The First Temptation: Turning Stones to Bread
Parent Explanation:
When Jesus was really hungry, the bad angel tried to make Him use His power just to make food. But Jesus knew it was more important to follow God’s words than just to eat.
Questions to Ask:
What did the devil want Jesus to do with the stones? (Answer: Turn them into bread)
How did Jesus respond? (Answer: By saying people need more than food to live; they need God’s words)
Hand Motions:
Stone to Bread: Pretend to pick up a stone and then shake head "no."
Speaking Gesture: Point to mouth as if speaking important words from God.
Stone Painting: Paint stones to look like bread as a craft to remember the story.
Question: What helps you remember to make good choices?

The Second Temptation: The Pinnacle of the Temple
Parent Explanation:
The bad angel tried to trick Jesus into proving He was special by doing something dangerous. But Jesus knew we shouldn’t test God; we should trust Him.
Questions to Ask:
What did the devil challenge Jesus to do at the temple? (Answer: Jump off)
What did Jesus say back? (Answer: Do not put the Lord your God to the test)
Hand Motions:
Jumping Gesture: Pretend to jump then stop yourself with a hand signal.
Trust Clasp: Clasp hands over heart to show trust in God.
Trust Falls: Conduct gentle trust falls where children learn the importance of trusting without testing.
Question: How do we show trust in someone?

The Third Temptation: All the Kingdoms of the World
Parent Explanation:
The bad angel offered Jesus all the kings’ treasures if only He would forget about God and follow him. Jesus said no because we should only worship God.
Questions to Ask:
What did the devil offer Jesus? (Answer: All the kingdoms of the world)
Who did Jesus say we should worship? (Answer: Only God)
Hand Motions:
Kingdom Gesture: Sweep arms wide to show vast kingdoms.
Worship Gesture: Bow head and then shake head "no" to refuse wrongly directed worship.
Crown Crafting: Make crowns to understand being a king but discuss how important it is to respect and worship only God.
Question: What is most important to you?

Jesus Resists Temptation and Angels Minister to Him
Parent Explanation:
After Jesus said no to all the bad angel’s tricks, good angels came to help Him rest and feel better. It shows us that God takes care of us when we do what’s right.
Questions to Ask:
Who came to help Jesus after He resisted temptation? (Answer: Angels)
What can we learn from Jesus when we face tough choices? (Answer: To ask God for help)
Hand Motions:
Angel Wings: Flutter hands at sides like gentle wings.
Helping Hands: Extend hands out as if offering help.
Angel Mobiles: Create angel mobiles to hang in their room to remind them of God’s protecting presence.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part about learning how Jesus resisted temptation?