Lesson 27 - The Minor Prophets
Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways (Haggai 1:4-5)

The Call to Speak Truth (Hosea and Amos)
Parent Explanation:
Hosea and Amos were brave and told people what God wanted them to hear, even though it might have been scary because it was about mistakes the people were making.
Questions to Ask:
What did Hosea and Amos tell the people? (Answer: To be truthful and follow God)
Why is it important to tell the truth? (Answer: It helps us and others do the right thing)
Hand Motions:
Speaking Gesture: Cup hands around mouth as if calling out loudly.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to show love and truth.
Truth and Lies Game: Simple game distinguishing between truthful statements and lies.
Interactive Question: How do you feel when someone tells you the truth?

The Importance of Repentance (Joel and Jonah)
Parent Explanation:
Joel and Jonah taught people that saying sorry to God and changing bad behaviors is very important. God always listens and forgives us.
Questions to Ask:
What does repentance mean? (Answer: Saying sorry and changing our actions)
What happened when the people of Nineveh repented? (Answer: God forgave them)
Hand Motions:
Sorry Gesture: Bow head slightly as a sign of repentance.
Change Gesture: Turn around, symbolizing a change in direction or behavior.
Sorry Cards: Make cards that children can use to express apologies.
Question: What should we do when we make a mistake?

God's Mercy and Judgment (Micah and Nahum)
Parent Explanation:
Micah taught people how to live kindly and justly, while Nahum showed that bad choices lead to bad outcomes. Both taught that God watches how we treat each other.
Questions to Ask:
Why does God want us to be kind? (Answer: Because it's right and it pleases Him)
What happens if people make bad choices? (Answer: There are consequences)
Hand Motions:
Scale Gesture: Balance hands to show justice.
Kind Hands: Open palms outward, offering something good.
Kindness Role-Play: Act out scenarios of kindness versus unkindness.
Question: How can you be kind to someone today?

The Call for Justice (Habakkuk and Zephaniah)
Parent Explanation:
Habakkuk and Zephaniah taught that being fair and just is very important, and even when things don’t make sense, we can trust God has good plans.
Questions to Ask:
What did Habakkuk learn about God? (Answer: To trust God’s plan)
What did Zephaniah tell the people? (Answer: To act justly and humbly)
Hand Motions:
Questioning Hands: Shrug shoulders as if asking a question.
Trust Fall: Lean back, being caught by parent or teacher, showing trust.
Trust Walk: Blindfolded guided walks to teach trust.
Question: When have you trusted someone to help you?

Renewal and Hope (Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi)
Parent Explanation:
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi helped people rebuild their temple and their hearts, teaching them to look forward to happy, hopeful times.
Questions to Ask:
What did the people rebuild? (Answer: The temple)
What does hope mean? (Answer: Looking forward to good things)
Hand Motions:
Building Gesture: Use hands to mimic building.
Heart Renewal: Place hands over heart, then open them up to the sky.
Hope Collage: Create a collage of pictures that represent hope and renewal.
Favorite Part: What did you like best about learning the Minor Prophets?