Lesson 46 - Peter
While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word. And [the believers] were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles. (Acts 10:44-45)

Cornelius' Vision
Parent Explanation:
Cornelius was a kind man who prayed to God a lot. One day, God sent an angel in a dream to tell him to find a man named Peter.
Questions to Ask:
Who was Cornelius? (Answer: A Roman officer who prayed to God)
What did Cornelius see in his vision? (Answer: An angel telling him to send for Peter)
Hand Motions:
Praying Hands: Fold hands in prayer.
Looking Surprised: Open eyes wide and gasp to show surprise at seeing an angel.
Angel Craft: Create simple angel crafts to represent the angel in Cornelius’ vision.
Interactive Question: Who do you talk to when you need help?

Peter's Vision
Parent Explanation:
Peter had a strange dream about a big sheet with animals. Even though he was confused at first, the dream helped him understand that everyone is important to God.
Questions to Ask:
What did Peter see in his vision? (Answer: A sheet with animals)
What did Peter learn from his vision? (Answer: God loves everyone)
Hand Motions:
Lowering Sheet: Move hands from up to down, like a sheet descending.
Shaking Head No: Shake head, then nod, showing Peter’s initial refusal and understanding.
Animal Sorting Game: Use toy animals to sort and discuss clean and unclean, then explain God's view.
Question: How can we show we think everyone is important?

Peter Visits Cornelius
Parent Explanation:
Peter traveled to Cornelius’ house to meet him and his family. It was special because usually, Jews and Gentiles didn’t visit each other’s homes.
Questions to Ask:
Where did Peter go? (Answer: Cornelius’ house)
Why was Peter’s visit special? (Discuss breaking old rules for a good reason)
Hand Motions:
Walking Feet: Tap feet on the ground, simulating walking.
Opening Door: Pretend to open a door, welcoming someone.
Welcome Sign: Make a welcome sign for the classroom to show how we welcome everyone.
Question: How do you feel when someone visits your home?

Peter's Message
Parent Explanation:
Peter told Cornelius and everyone at his house about Jesus and how anyone can be friends with God if they believe in Jesus.
Questions to Ask:
What did Peter tell Cornelius about? (Answer: About Jesus)
Who can be friends with Jesus? (Answer: Everyone)
Hand Motions:
Heart Hands: Place hands over heart.
Spreading Arms Wide: Open arms wide to show the message is for everyone.
Story Time: Read a simple storybook about Jesus’ life and discuss its meaning for us.
Question: Who would you like to tell about Jesus?

The Holy Spirit Comes to the Gentiles
Parent Explanation:
While Peter was still speaking, something amazing happened! The Holy Spirit came to everyone listening, just like He did at Pentecost.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to Cornelius and his family while Peter was speaking?" (Answer: They received the Holy Spirit)
What does the Holy Spirit do for us? (Discuss guidance, comfort, and unity)
Hand Motions:
Falling Rain Gesture: Flutter fingers downward to symbolize the Holy Spirit coming down.
Joining Hands: Clasp hands together, showing unity among all people.
Spirit Windmills: Create paper windmills that spin to represent the movement of the Holy Spirit.
Favorite Part: What is your favorite part about how God loves everyone?