Lesson 33 - The Lord's Prayer
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. (Matthew 6:9)

Our Father in Heaven
Parent Explanation:
When we pray "Our Father in Heaven," we are talking to God like He’s our loving daddy who is watching over us from a wonderful place called Heaven.
Questions to Ask:
Who do we talk to when we say the Lord’s Prayer? (Answer: God, our Father)
Where is God when we pray to Him? (Answer: In Heaven)
Hand Motions:
Pointing Up: Point upwards to symbolize Heaven.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to show love for God.
Sky Art: Create artwork of the sky or Heaven.
Interactive Question: What would you like to tell your Father in Heaven?

Your Kingdom Come
Parent Explanation:
We ask God to make things on earth as wonderful as they are in Heaven, which means being kind and good to each other just like God wants.
Questions to Ask:
What do we ask for about God’s kingdom? (Answer: For it to come to earth)
What does 'Your will be done' mean? (Answer: We want to do things God’s way)
Hand Motions:
Spreading Arms Wide: Spread arms wide to show God’s kingdom covering the earth.
Thumbs Up: Give a thumbs up to represent doing things the right way - God’s way.
Kingdom Craft: Make a crown or a simple kingdom scene.
Question: How can we make our home or classroom more like Heaven?

Daily Needs and Forgiveness
Parent Explanation:
We ask God to give us the food we need and to forgive us when we make mistakes - just like we forgive our friends when they say sorry.
Questions to Ask:
What does "give us our daily bread" mean? (Answer: Ask God for what we need each day)
Why do we ask for forgiveness? (Answer: Because everyone makes mistakes and needs to be forgiven)
Hand Motions:
Eating Gesture: Pretend to eat, symbolizing 'daily bread.'
Open Hands: Open hands, then brush them off, symbolizing forgiving and letting go.
Sharing Game: Practice sharing toys or snacks as a way of understanding daily giving and forgiving.
Question: Who do you need to forgive, or who might need to forgive you?

Lead Us Not into Temptation
Parent Explanation:
We ask God to help us not to do things that are wrong. Sometimes we all need a little help to stay good.
Questions to Ask:
What does it mean to be led into temptation? (Answer: Being close to making bad choices)
How can God help us with temptations? (Answer: By helping us choose what’s right)
Hand Motions:
Stop Sign: Hold up a hand like a stop sign to show stopping bad choices.
Pulling Back: Pull hands towards the body, as if pulling away from something bad.
Choice Game: Offer choices between good and bad actions in a simple game.
Question: What do you do when something feels wrong?

For Thine is the Kingdom
Parent Explanation:
At the end of the prayer, we tell God how wonderful He is. We say this because we want to remember that everything good comes from Him.
Questions to Ask:
What are we saying about God at the end of the prayer? (Answer: That He is powerful and amazing)
Why do we praise God? (Answer: Because He is great and helps us a lot)
Hand Motions:
Raising Hands High: Lift hands up high to show giving glory to God.
Clapping Hands: Clap gently to show praise.
Praise Parade: Have a small parade where children can wave flags or ribbons to praise God.
Favorite Part: What do you like about talking to God through prayer?