Lesson 40 - The Last Supper
Now as they were eating, Jesus took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to the disciples (Matthew 26:26)

Preparing for the Supper
Parent Explanation:
Jesus and His friends were getting ready for a very special dinner. He asked His friends to find a place where they could all eat together.
Questions to Ask:
What were Jesus and His disciples preparing for? (Answer: The Last Supper)
Why is it important to prepare for special times? (Discuss the value of preparation)
Hand Motions:
Setting the Table: Pretend to lay out plates and cups.
Walking Gesture: March in place to mimic the disciples going to prepare the room.
Table Setting: Let children set up a small table with toy dishes and utensils.
Interactive Question: How do you help at home to get ready for dinner?

The Breaking of Bread
Parent Explanation:
During the meal, Jesus shared bread with everyone, telling His friends it was like His body, given to help others.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus say the bread represented? (Answer: His body)
Why do we share bread at church? (Discuss communion and remembrance)
Hand Motions:
Breaking Bread: Pretend to break bread and share it.
Eating Gesture: Pretend to eat the bread thoughtfully.
Bread Sharing: Share small pieces of bread among the group to practice sharing.
Question: What can we share with our friends?

Sharing the Cup
Parent Explanation:
Jesus also shared a special drink, telling His friends it was like His blood, which He would give to help everyone be friends with God again.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus say the cup represented? (Answer: His blood)
How does sharing the cup help us remember Jesus? (Discuss remembering His sacrifice)
Hand Motions:
Passing the Cup: Pretend to pass a cup carefully around.
Heart Gesture: Place hand over heart to signify the importance of the moment.
Coloring the Cup: Provide coloring sheets with a cup or chalice for children to color.
Question: How do we show we remember and care about someone?

Jesus Teaches About Service
Parent Explanation:
Jesus did something very kind and surprising; He washed His friends’ feet to show that everyone should help and serve each other.
Questions to Ask:
What surprising thing did Jesus do for His friends? (Answer: Washed their feet)
Why did Jesus wash their feet? (Discuss serving and caring for others)
Hand Motions:
Washing Feet: Pretend to gently wash and dry feet.
Helping Hands: Extend hands outward as if offering help.
Helping Hands Chart: Create a chart or mural with pictures of ways to help others at home or in the classroom.
Question: What are some ways you can help your family at home?

Jesus Predicts His Betrayal
Parent Explanation:
Jesus told His friends something very sad, that one of them would betray Him. Even though it was hard, He still loved all His friends and was ready to do what He came to do.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus tell His disciples during the meal? (Answer: That someone would betray Him)
How do you think Jesus felt knowing this? (Discuss emotions like sadness and resolve)
Hand Motions:
Pointing to Heart: Touch chest to show sadness.
Embracing Arms: Wrap arms around self, indicating Jesus' continued love despite betrayal.
Emotion Faces: Draw or use stickers to create faces showing different emotions, helping children understand and express feelings.
Favorite Part: What did you learn from the story of The Last Supper?