Adam and Eve
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them (Genesis 1:27)

Adam and Eve
Parent Explanation:
We are going to learn about Adam and Eve, the first people God made. They lived in a wonderful place called the Garden of Eden.
God gave them everything they needed and asked them to love and obey Him.
Who made Adam and Eve? (Answer: God)
Where did Adam and Eve live? (Answer: In the Garden of Eden)
Hand Motions:
Creation Gesture: Hold your arms out as if shaping a person, saying, "God made Adam and Eve."
Garden Gesture: Stretch arms wide as if showing something beautiful, saying, "They lived in a beautiful garden."
Storytelling: Briefly introduce Adam and Eve, explaining that God created them to take care of the garden.
Interactive Question: What do you think a garden looks like? (Encourage imaginative responses)

Adam: God's First Person
Parent Explanation:
God made the first person, Adam, from the dust of the ground.
God loved Adam and gave him a job to take care of the garden and name the animals.
Who was the first person God made? (Answer: Adam)
What was Adam’s job? (Answer: To take care of the animals and the garden)
Hand Motions:
Adam Gesture: Pretend to mold a person from the ground by shaping your hands, saying, "God made Adam."
Caretaker Gesture: Pretend to plant or water, saying, "Adam took care of the garden."
Animal Imitation: Pretend to name different animals with your child, using their names or made up sounds.
Question: What is your favorite animal that Adam might have named?

Eve: God's Second Person
Parent Explanation:
God saw that Adam needed a friend, so He made Eve, the first woman.
Adam and Eve took care of each other and the garden together.
Who was the first woman? (Answer: Eve)
Why did God make Eve? (Answer: To be a friend for Adam)
Hand Motions:
Eve Gesture: Gently shape your hands as if forming a person, saying, "God made Eve."
Togetherness Gesture: Hold hands with the child or pretend to hold hands, saying, "Adam and Eve took care of each other."
Friendship Role-Play: Pretend to care for a garden together, mimicking planting, watering, and taking care of the plants.
Question: Who do you take care of? Maybe your family or friends?

The Garden of Eden and the First Mistake
Parent Explanation:
God told Adam and Eve they could eat from any tree except one. But a sneaky snake told Eve to eat the fruit from that tree, and she did.
Adam ate it too, and this made God sad because they didn’t listen to Him.
What did God say Adam and Eve couldn’t do? (Answer: Eat from the one tree)
Who told Eve to eat the fruit? (Answer: The sneaky snake)
Did Adam and Eve listen to God? (Answer: No)
Hand Motions:
Tree Gesture: Raise one arm up like a tall tree and point to it, saying, "God said not to eat from this tree."
Sneaky Snake Gesture: Wiggle your hand like a snake, saying, "The snake tricked them."
Sad Gesture: Place hands over your heart and frown, saying, "God was sad when they disobeyed."
Role-Play: Act out the story with your child, pretending to be Adam, Eve, and the snake.
Simple Reflection: Do you think it’s important to listen to God and Mommy/Daddy?

God's Promise and Love
Parent Explanation:
Adam and Eve made a mistake, but God still loved them and had a plan to help them.
God loves us, even when we don’t always listen. He is always there to help us.
Did God stop loving Adam and Eve? (Answer: No)
Does God love us when we make mistakes? (Answer: Yes)
Who helps us when we do something wrong? (Answer: God)
Hand Motions:
Heart Gesture: Place hands over your heart and smile, saying, "God loves us."
Hug Gesture: Pretend to hug yourself or your child, saying, "God takes care of us."
Loving Gesture: Ask your child to show you how they give love - a hug, a kiss, or a smile.
Question: Who loves you no matter what? (Encourage the answer to be both family and God)