Lesson 39 - The Triumphal Entry
Most of the crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. And the crowds that went before him and that followed him were shouting, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” (Matthew 21:8-9)

Jesus Sends for a Donkey
Parent Explanation:
Jesus sent two of His friends to find a donkey for Him to ride into the city. He knew exactly where to find it and told them what to do.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus ask His friends to get? (Answer: A donkey)
Why did Jesus need the donkey? (Answer: To ride into the city)
Hand Motions:
Pointing Gesture: Point outward, like Jesus giving instructions to His disciples.
Walking Feet: Tap feet in place, pretending to walk like the disciples going to find the donkey.
Donkey Craft: Create a simple paper donkey to reinforce the story.
Interactive Question: What would you do if Jesus asked you to help Him?

Jesus Rides into Jerusalem
Parent Explanation:
When Jesus rode the donkey into the city, everyone was so happy to see Him. They knew He was a special King sent by God.
Questions to Ask:
How did Jesus enter the city? (Answer: Riding a donkey)
Why were the people happy to see Jesus? (Answer: They believed He was their King)
Hand Motions:
Riding Gesture: Move hands as if holding reins, like riding a donkey.
Cheering Arms: Wave hands in the air like the crowd welcoming Jesus.
Ride Along: Pretend to ride a donkey, marching in place like Jesus riding into Jerusalem.
Question: How do you think the people felt when they saw Jesus?

The People Praise Jesus
Parent Explanation:
The people were so happy to see Jesus that they shouted ‘Hosanna!’ and praised Him as their King.
Questions to Ask:
What did the people shout when they saw Jesus? (Answer: Hosanna!)
Why were they praising Jesus? (Answer: Because they believed He was their King)
Hand Motions:
Shouting Gesture: Cup hands around mouth like you are calling out "Hosanna!"
Praising Arms: Lift hands up high like the people praising Jesus.
Praise Parade: Walk around with the children, waving hands and shouting "Hosanna!" like the people did.
Question: What are some ways we can praise Jesus?

The Palm Branches and Cloaks
Parent Explanation:
The people laid palm branches and their cloaks on the road to make a special path for Jesus as He came into the city.
Questions to Ask:
What did the people put on the road for Jesus? (Answer: Palm branches and cloaks)
Why did they do this? (Answer: To honor Jesus as their King)
Hand Motions:
Waving Palms: Wave hands gently in the air like waving palm branches.
Laying Cloaks: Pretend to lay something on the ground to honor Jesus.
Palm Craft: Make simple palm branches out of paper for children to wave.
Question: How would you welcome Jesus if He came to your town?

Jesus, Our King
Parent Explanation:
Jesus is our King too! He came to show us love and to help us. We can celebrate and praise Jesus every day.
Questions to Ask:
Who is our King? (Answer: Jesus)
How can we welcome Jesus into our lives? (Discuss praying, praising, and being kind)
Hand Motions:
Crown Gesture: Make a crown shape with your hands over your head to show Jesus as King.
Welcoming Arms: Open arms wide to show welcoming Jesus.
King Craft: Make a simple crown craft to remind children that Jesus is our King.
Favorite Part: What is your favorite part about Jesus being our King?