Lesson 50 - The Fruit Of The Spirit
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Parent Explanation:
Love is when you care about someone else more than your own. Jesus wants us to show love to everyone around us.
Questions to Ask:
What are some ways we can show love? (Answer: Sharing, helping, being kind)
Who can you show love to today? (Encourage names of family, friends, or pets)
Hand Motions:
Heart Hands: Place hands together to form a heart shape.
Hugging Arms: Wrap arms around self, then open them as if giving a big hug.
Love Poster: Create a poster with drawings or stickers that represent love.
Interactive Question: What makes you feel loved?

Parent Explanation:
Joy is a happy feeling inside that comes from knowing God loves us. It’s like feeling sunny inside even on a rainy day.
Questions to Ask:
What makes you feel really happy? (Encourage examples)
How can we share our joy with others? (Discuss smiling, singing, or saying kind words)
Hand Motions:
Spinning with Joy: Spin around once, carefully.
Smiling Face: Make a big, exaggerated smile.
Joyful Music Time: Play a fun song and have a dance party to express joy.
Question: What song makes you happy?

Parent Explanation:
Peace is like being still inside your heart when things are noisy outside. It’s knowing that God is with us and takes care of us.
Questions to Ask:
What does peace feel like? (Answer: Calm, not worried)
How can you help someone feel peaceful? (Discuss soft speaking, gentle touches)
Hand Motions:
Calming Waves: Move hands gently back and forth, palm down, to mimic calming waves.
Quiet Clap: Softly clap hands together, showing gentle actions.
Quiet Time Activity: Engage in a quiet activity like puzzles or coloring to practice peace.
Question: What helps you feel peaceful when you’re upset?

Parent Explanation:
Patience means waiting nicely for something, even if it takes a long time, like waiting in line or for your turn to play a game.
Questions to Ask:
Can you think of a time you had to be patient? (Encourage sharing personal experiences)
How can you show patience to your friends or family? (Discuss waiting turns, listening)
Hand Motions:
Slow Motion: Move slowly, demonstrating how to take time.
Waiting Hands: Place hands in lap, sitting still.
Patience Game: Play a game like "Red Light, Green Light" to practice waiting and moving at the right times.
Question: What is something you are waiting for?

Parent Explanation:
Kindness is doing nice things for others, like sharing your snack or helping clean up. It makes everyone feel good.
Questions to Ask:
What are some kind ways to treat your friends? (Answer: Share, help, use nice words)
How do you feel when someone is kind to you? (Discuss feelings of happiness, appreciation)
Hand Motions:
Giving Hands: Extend hands outward as if offering something.
Hug Motion: Wrap arms around self then open wide as if giving a hug.
Kindness Cards: Make and decorate cards with kind messages to give to friends or family.
Question: Who can you be kind to today?
Continue: In your own words, share the last 4: Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self-control.