Lesson 29 - The Baptism Of Jesus
and behold, a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

Jesus Meets John the Baptist
Parent Explanation:
John the Baptist was a special man who helped people get ready to learn from Jesus. He baptized them in a big river.
Questions to Ask:
Who was John the Baptist? (Answer: A man who baptized people)
What did John do in the river? (Answer: Baptized people)
Hand Motions:
Water Splashing Gesture: Pretend to splash water gently.
Pointing Gesture: Point as if seeing someone important arriving.
Water Play: Engage in a gentle water play activity to simulate baptism.
Interactive Question: How do we show we are ready to listen?

The Act of Baptism
Parent Explanation:
When Jesus was baptized, he went completely under the water and then came back up. This was a way to show he was ready to start teaching people about God.
Questions to Ask:
What happens during baptism? (Answer: Going under water and coming up)
Why was Jesus baptized? (Answer: To obey God and begin his work)
Hand Motions:
Dipping and Rising: Crouch down and then stand up quickly to mimic the act of baptism.
Open Arms: Open arms wide to show readiness and acceptance.
Role-Play Baptism: Use dolls or toys to act out a baptism scene.
Question: What do you think it feels like to be baptized?

The Heavens Open
Parent Explanation:
Right when Jesus was baptized, the sky opened up. God was showing everyone that He was with Jesus and was very happy.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to the sky when Jesus was baptized? (Answer: It opened up)
Why is this important? (Answer: It shows God was pleased)
Hand Motions:
Looking Up: Tilt head back and shield eyes with hand as if looking at something amazing in the sky.
Clapping Hands: Clap gently to show joy.
Sky Art: Create sky-themed art, using blue paper and stickers to represent an open sky.
Question: How do you feel when you see the sky?

The Dove
Parent Explanation:
After Jesus was baptized, a dove came down from the sky. This was a sign that God’s Spirit was with Him, bringing peace and love.
Questions to Ask:
What flew down to Jesus at His baptism? (Answer: A dove)
What does the dove represent? (Answer: Peace and the Holy Spirit)
Hand Motions:
Dove Flying: Use hands to mimic a bird gently flying downwards.
Peace Sign: Make a peace sign with fingers.
Dove Crafts: Make simple dove crafts to hang up as a reminder of peace.
Question: What makes you feel peaceful?

God’s Voice from Heaven
Parent Explanation:
When Jesus was baptized, everyone heard God’s voice saying He was pleased with Jesus. It showed everyone how special Jesus is.
Questions to Ask:
What did God say when Jesus was baptized? (Answer: This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased)
Why was God’s voice important? (Answer: It showed that Jesus is God’s Son)
Hand Motions:
Speaking Hands: Cup hands around mouth as if projecting a voice.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to show love.
Voice Echo Game: Play a game where children repeat important phrases to learn about echoing and affirmation.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part about Jesus' baptism?