Who Was Timothy And Why Was He So Young?
Who Was Timothy And Why Was He So Young?

Who Was Timothy And Why Was He So Young?

Timothy (1-2 Timothy) For Toddlers (Ages 2-4)

Lesson 48 - Timothy

Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

Timothy's Early Life

Parent Explanation:

  • Timothy grew up learning about God from his mom and grandma, who loved God very much. They taught him to love God too.

Questions to Ask:

  • Who taught Timothy about God? (Answer: His mother and grandmother)

  • Why is it important to learn about God when we are young? (Discuss the impact of early teaching)

Hand Motions:

  • Heart Hands: Place hands over heart to show love from family.

  • Turning Pages: Pretend to turn pages in a book to represent reading the Scriptures.


  • Family Tree Craft: Create simple family trees to identify who teaches us about God.

  • Interactive Question: Who tells you about God in your family?

Timothy Meets Paul

Parent Explanation:

  • Paul was a great teacher who traveled telling others about Jesus. When he met Timothy, he saw that Timothy loved God too, so he asked Timothy to travel with him.

Questions to Ask:

  • Who did Timothy meet that changed his life? (Answer: Paul)

  • What did Timothy do with Paul? (Answer: Traveled and helped teach others about Jesus)

Hand Motions:

  • Walking Together: Walk in place side by side, symbolizing traveling together.

  • Speaking Gesture: Cup hands around mouth as if sharing a message.


  • Map Activity: Show a map and trace some of the places Paul and Timothy might have visited.

  • Question: Who is someone you learn from?

Timothy's Training and Growth

Parent Explanation:

  • Timothy helped Paul a lot, even doing important jobs like taking messages to different churches and helping them solve problems.

Questions to Ask:

  • What kinds of jobs did Timothy do? (Answer: Delivered letters, taught, helped churches)

  • Why was it sometimes hard for Timothy? (Discuss his youth and inexperience)

Hand Motions:

  • Carrying Envelope: Pretend to carry and deliver an envelope.

  • Thinking Cap: Tap head as if thinking hard about solving problems.


  • Letter Delivery Game: Set up a simple game where kids can deliver messages around a course.

  • Question: What is a big job you have done?

Timothy as a Church Leader

Parent Explanation:

  • Timothy became a good leader who taught many people how to be kind and love God. He had to be very brave and caring.

Questions to Ask:

  • What did Timothy teach others? (Answer: About Jesus and how to live well)

  • What makes a good leader? (Discuss qualities like bravery, wisdom, and kindness)

Hand Motions:

  • Talking Hands: Move hands as if explaining something important.

  • Heart Hands: Place hands over heart, then extend outwards to show sharing love.


  • Leader Badge Crafting: Make simple badges that say "Leader" and talk about qualities of a good leader.

  • Question: Who is a leader you like?

Paul's Letters to Timothy

Parent Explanation:

  • Paul wrote special letters to Timothy, giving him advice and telling him to stay strong even when things were tough.

Questions to Ask:

  • What was in the letters Paul wrote to Timothy? (Answer: Advice and encouragement)

  • Why are letters from friends important? (Discuss how they can make us feel loved and helped)

Hand Motions:

  • Writing Gesture: Pretend to write a letter.

  • Hugging Self: Hug yourself to show feeling encouraged.


  • Creating Encouragement Cards: Let kids make cards that they can send to friends or family to encourage them, just like Paul’s letters encouraged Timothy.

  • Favorite Part: What do you think was the best advice Paul gave Timothy?

Closing Prayer: Dear God, thank you for the story of Timothy and all he learned from Paul. Help us to learn well from those who teach us and to be good leaders and friends like Timothy. Amen!

Lesson 49: What Is The Armor Of God And How Do I Put It On?