Lesson 48 - Timothy
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12)

Timothy's Early Life
Parent Explanation:
Timothy grew up learning about God from his mom and grandma, who loved God very much. They taught him to love God too.
Questions to Ask:
Who taught Timothy about God? (Answer: His mother and grandmother)
Why is it important to learn about God when we are young? (Discuss the impact of early teaching)
Hand Motions:
Heart Hands: Place hands over heart to show love from family.
Turning Pages: Pretend to turn pages in a book to represent reading the Scriptures.
Family Tree Craft: Create simple family trees to identify who teaches us about God.
Interactive Question: Who tells you about God in your family?

Timothy Meets Paul
Parent Explanation:
Paul was a great teacher who traveled telling others about Jesus. When he met Timothy, he saw that Timothy loved God too, so he asked Timothy to travel with him.
Questions to Ask:
Who did Timothy meet that changed his life? (Answer: Paul)
What did Timothy do with Paul? (Answer: Traveled and helped teach others about Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Walking Together: Walk in place side by side, symbolizing traveling together.
Speaking Gesture: Cup hands around mouth as if sharing a message.
Map Activity: Show a map and trace some of the places Paul and Timothy might have visited.
Question: Who is someone you learn from?

Timothy's Training and Growth
Parent Explanation:
Timothy helped Paul a lot, even doing important jobs like taking messages to different churches and helping them solve problems.
Questions to Ask:
What kinds of jobs did Timothy do? (Answer: Delivered letters, taught, helped churches)
Why was it sometimes hard for Timothy? (Discuss his youth and inexperience)
Hand Motions:
Carrying Envelope: Pretend to carry and deliver an envelope.
Thinking Cap: Tap head as if thinking hard about solving problems.
Letter Delivery Game: Set up a simple game where kids can deliver messages around a course.
Question: What is a big job you have done?

Timothy as a Church Leader
Parent Explanation:
Timothy became a good leader who taught many people how to be kind and love God. He had to be very brave and caring.
Questions to Ask:
What did Timothy teach others? (Answer: About Jesus and how to live well)
What makes a good leader? (Discuss qualities like bravery, wisdom, and kindness)
Hand Motions:
Talking Hands: Move hands as if explaining something important.
Heart Hands: Place hands over heart, then extend outwards to show sharing love.
Leader Badge Crafting: Make simple badges that say "Leader" and talk about qualities of a good leader.
Question: Who is a leader you like?

Paul's Letters to Timothy
Parent Explanation:
Paul wrote special letters to Timothy, giving him advice and telling him to stay strong even when things were tough.
Questions to Ask:
What was in the letters Paul wrote to Timothy? (Answer: Advice and encouragement)
Why are letters from friends important? (Discuss how they can make us feel loved and helped)
Hand Motions:
Writing Gesture: Pretend to write a letter.
Hugging Self: Hug yourself to show feeling encouraged.
Creating Encouragement Cards: Let kids make cards that they can send to friends or family to encourage them, just like Paul’s letters encouraged Timothy.
Favorite Part: What do you think was the best advice Paul gave Timothy?