Lesson 19 - Proverbs
The proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel: To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight (Proverbs 1:1-2)

Wisdom in Proverbs
Parent Explanation:
Proverbs tells us that being wise means choosing to do good things and thinking carefully about our actions.
Questions to Ask:
What is wisdom? (Answer: Knowing the best thing to do)
Why is wisdom important? (Answer: It helps us make good choices)
Hand Motions:
Thinking Cap: Tap your head to indicate putting on a thinking cap.
Choosing Hands: Weigh options with your hands, like balancing scales.
Wisdom Walk: Set up scenarios where children choose between wise and unwise actions.
Interactive Question: Can you think of a wise choice you made today?

Kindness and Honesty
Parent Explanation:
Proverbs says being kind and honest are very important. When we share and tell the truth, everyone is happier.
Questions to Ask:
What does it mean to be kind? (Answer: Doing nice things for others)
Why should we tell the truth? (Answer: It’s the right thing to do)
Hand Motions:
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to show kindness.
Speaking Gesture: Cup hand to mouth as if speaking truthfully.
Kindness Circle: Share a toy or snack as a way to practice kindness.
Question: How do you feel when someone is kind to you?

Listening to Wise Advice
Parent Explanation:
Proverbs tells us to listen carefully to good advice from people who care about us because it helps us grow up wise.
Questions to Ask:
Who should we listen to? (Answer: Parents, teachers)
What happens when we listen? (Answer: We learn and make better choices)
Hand Motions:
Listening Ears: Cup your ears to show listening.
Growing Gesture: Raise arms slowly to show growing up wise.
Listening Game: Play a game where following instructions leads to a fun activity.
Question: What good advice did you listen to recently?

The Power of Words
Parent Explanation:
Proverbs teaches us to use gentle words because they can make a big difference in making others feel good.
Questions to Ask:
What should we do with our words? (Answer: Speak kindly)
How do kind words make others feel? (Answer: Happy and loved)
Hand Motions:
Soft Speech: Gesture as if whispering softly.
Happy Face: Smile broadly to show the effect of kind words.
Compliment Practice: Encourage children to give compliments to each other.
Question: What nice thing can you say to your friend today?

Fearing God and Shunning Evil
Parent Explanation:
Proverbs teaches us to love God and stay away from things that are not good. This keeps us safe and makes God happy.
Questions to Ask:
What does it mean to fear God? (Answer: To respect and love Him)
Why should we stay away from doing bad things? (Answer: It keeps us safe and pleases God)
Hand Motions:
Respectful Bow: Bow slightly to show respect.
No Gesture: Wave finger in a 'no' sign to show shunning evil.
Good Choices Game: Help children identify good and bad choices using picture cards.
Favorite Part: What did you like learning about in Proverbs?