Lesson 14 - Ruth
But Ruth said, “Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. (Ruth 1:16)

Ruth’s Loyalty to Naomi
Parent Explanation:
Ruth had a choice to go back to her family after her husband died, but she chose to stay with Naomi, her mother-in-law, because she loved her.
Ruth said, "Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God."
Who did Ruth decide to stay with? (Answer: Naomi)
What did Ruth tell Naomi? (Answer: She would go wherever Naomi went)
Hand Motions:
Following Gesture: Point forward and pretend to walk, symbolizing Ruth’s journey with Naomi.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart, showing Ruth’s love and loyalty.
Storytelling: Share Ruth’s commitment to Naomi using simple terms.
Interactive Question: Who are you loyal to, like Ruth was to Naomi?

Arriving in Bethlehem
Parent Explanation:
Ruth and Naomi reached Bethlehem just when the farmers were starting to gather their barley.
They didn’t have much, so Ruth needed to find a way to get food for both of them.
What was happening in Bethlehem when Ruth and Naomi arrived? (Answer: The barley harvest)
Why was it important? (Answer: They could find food)
Hand Motions:
Harvest Gesture: Pretend to cut barley with a sickle.
Walking Gesture: Mimic walking, showing their arrival in a new place.
Role-Play: Pretend to harvest crops together.
Question: How do you think Ruth felt coming to a new place?

Ruth Gleans in Boaz’s Field
Parent Explanation:
Ruth worked hard in the fields picking up leftovers so she and Naomi could eat.
A kind man named Boaz saw how hard she worked and helped her by giving her more grain and protecting her.
What did Ruth do in Boaz’s field? (Answer: Gleaned)
How did Boaz help Ruth? (Answer: Gave her grain and protection)
Hand Motions:
Gleaning Gesture: Bend over and pretend to pick up grains.
Kindness Gesture: Open arms wide, symbolizing Boaz’s generosity.
Helping Game: Engage in activities where one person drops items and another picks them up, demonstrating gleaning.
Question: What can we do to help someone in need?

Ruth and Boaz at the Threshing Floor
Parent Explanation:
Naomi told Ruth to ask Boaz for help because he was a relative who could protect them.
Ruth bravely went to Boaz at night and asked him to look after her and Naomi, and Boaz said yes because he saw how good and loyal Ruth was.
What did Ruth ask Boaz to do? (Answer: To take care of her and Naomi)
What was Boaz’s response? (Answer: He agreed and praised her)
Hand Motions:
Request Gesture: Extend hands in a pleading gesture.
Agreement Gesture: Nod and shake hands, showing agreement.
Drama Play: Act out the scene in simple terms, focusing on Ruth's bravery and Boaz's kindness.
Question: How can we be brave like Ruth?

The Marriage of Ruth and Boaz
Parent Explanation:
Ruth and Boaz got married and had a baby boy named Obed, who would be the grandfather of a great king named David.
Their story teaches us that being kind and loyal can bring happiness and blessings.
Who did Ruth marry? (Answer: Boaz)
What blessings came from their marriage? (Answer: They had a son, and their family continued to King David)
Hand Motions:
Wedding Gesture: Clasp hands together, symbolizing marriage.
Baby Gesture: Cradle arms, showing they had a baby.
Family Tree Craft: Create a simple family tree to show how Ruth, Boaz, and Obed are connected.
Favorite Part: What did you like best about Ruth and Boaz’s story?