Lesson 43 - The Ascension of Jesus
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” And when he had said these things, as they were looking on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him out of their sight. (Acts 1:8-9)

Jesus Talks to His Disciples
Parent Explanation:
Before Jesus went back to heaven, He talked to His friends, the disciples. He told them to wait for the Holy Spirit and to tell everyone about Him.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus tell His friends to wait for? (Answer: The Holy Spirit)
What did Jesus want them to do? (Answer: Tell everyone about Him)
Hand Motions:
Talking Hands: Move hands as if having a conversation.
Pointing Gesture: Point outward like Jesus giving instructions to His disciples.
Pretend Conversation: Act out the scene where Jesus talks to His disciples, using simple props.
Interactive Question: Who can you talk to about Jesus?

Jesus Goes Up to Heaven
Parent Explanation:
After Jesus finished talking, He went up into the sky and went back to heaven to be with God.
Questions to Ask:
Where did Jesus go? (Answer: Up to heaven)
Is Jesus still with us? (Answer: Yes, in our hearts)
Hand Motions:
Lifting Hands: Raise hands up to the sky, mimicking Jesus going up to heaven.
Hands Over Heart: Place hands over your heart to show Jesus is still with us.
Ascension Action: Pretend to lift a small figure or doll up into the air to represent Jesus going up to heaven.
Question: What do you think heaven looks like?

The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Parent Explanation:
Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to His friends after He went to heaven. The Holy Spirit would help them be brave and share His love.
Questions to Ask:
Who did Jesus promise to send? (Answer: The Holy Spirit)
What does the Holy Spirit help us do? (Answer: Be brave and share Jesus’ love)
Hand Motions:
Waving Gesture: Wave hands gently in the air, symbolizing the Holy Spirit coming.
Strong Arms: Show strong arms to represent bravery.
Helper Role Play: Pretend to be a helper, practicing ways we can help and encourage others, just like the Holy Spirit helps us.
Question: Who helps you be brave?

The Disciples Watch Jesus Go
Parent Explanation:
The disciples watched Jesus go up to heaven, and two angels appeared and told them that one day Jesus would come back again.
Questions to Ask:
What did the disciples see? (Answer: Jesus going up to heaven)
What did the angels say? (Answer: That Jesus would come back)
Hand Motions:
Looking Up: Pretend to look up at the sky, just like the disciples watching Jesus.
Pointing Forward: Point ahead, like the angels talking about Jesus coming back.
Sky Watching: Pretend to look up at the sky, imagining how the disciples felt watching Jesus leave.
Question: How do you think the disciples felt when Jesus went up to heaven?

Sharing Jesus' Message
Parent Explanation:
After Jesus went to heaven, His friends told everyone they met about Him. We can share Jesus’ love with others too!
Questions to Ask:
What did the disciples do after Jesus went to heaven? (Answer: They told people about Him)
How can we share Jesus’ love? (Discuss being kind, helping, and telling others about Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Spreading Hands: Open hands wide to show sharing and spreading the good news.
Loving Heart: Place hands over heart, showing love for Jesus and others.
Good News Sharing: Practice sharing something good with a friend or family member, like Jesus’ message.
Favorite Part: What’s your favorite way to show Jesus’ love?