Lesson 5 - Abraham
Behold, my covenant is with you, and you shall be the father of a multitude of nations (Genesis 17:4)

God Calls Abraham
Parent Explanation:
A long time ago, God spoke to a man named Abraham. God told Abraham to leave his home and go to a new land.
Even though Abraham didn’t know where the land was, he trusted God and listened to Him.
Who did God call to go to a new land? (Answer: Abraham)
Did Abraham listen to God? (Answer: Yes)
Hand Motions:
Calling Gesture: Cup hands around your mouth as if calling someone, saying, "God called Abraham."
Walking Gesture: Move your fingers like walking feet, saying, "Abraham listened and started his journey."
Storytelling: Briefly explain how God asked Abraham to leave his home and go to a new place.
Interactive Question: What do you think Abraham’s new home looked like?

God's Promise to Abraham
Parent Explanation:
God made a special promise to Abraham. He said, "I will make you the father of many nations, and your family will be very big!"
Even though Abraham didn’t have children yet, he trusted that God would keep His promise.
What did God promise Abraham? (Answer: A big family)
Did Abraham believe God? (Answer: Yes)
Hand Motions:
Promise Gesture: Hold your hands out as if giving something, saying, "God made a big promise to Abraham."
Believing Gesture: Place hands on your heart, saying, "Abraham believed God’s promise."
Promise Role-Play: Act out God making a promise by offering something imaginary to your child and encouraging them to trust and accept it.
Reflection: When someone makes us a promise, should we trust them, just like Abraham trusted God?

Abraham's Journey of Faith
Parent Explanation:
Abraham and his family started a long journey to the new land. He didn’t know where it was, but he trusted God would show him the way.
Abraham’s faith made him strong and helped him on the journey.
Did Abraham know where the new land was? (Answer: No)
Who did Abraham trust to guide him? (Answer: God)
Hand Motions:
Journey Gesture: Move hands forward in a walking motion, saying, "Abraham walked a long way to the new land."
Faith Gesture: Point upward, saying, "Abraham trusted God to show him the way."
Journey Role-Play: Pretend to go on a journey with your child, using hand motions to walk and imagining a long trip.
Reflection Question: Have you ever gone on a long walk? Did you trust someone to show you where to go?

The Birth of Isaac
Parent Explanation:
Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old, but God promised them a baby. And God always keeps His promises.
God gave them a baby boy named Isaac. Abraham and Sarah were very happy!
What was the name of Abraham’s son? (Answer: Isaac)
Did God keep His promise to Abraham? (Answer: Yes)
Hand Motions:
Baby Gesture: Cradle your arms like holding a baby, saying, "God gave Abraham and Sarah a baby boy named Isaac."
Happy Gesture: Show a big smile, saying, "Abraham and Sarah were so happy!"
Baby Role-Play: Pretend to hold and rock a baby with your child, imagining what it was like for Abraham and Sarah to finally have Isaac.
Question: Have you ever seen a baby? What do you think baby Isaac looked like?

Abraham's Trust in God
Parent Explanation:
Abraham trusted God through everything, and God always kept His promises.
God made Abraham’s family very big, just like He promised. We can trust God too, because He loves us and always keeps His promises.
Did Abraham trust God? (Answer: Yes)
Can we trust God too? (Answer: Yes)
Hand Motions:
Trust Gesture: Place hands on your heart, saying, "Abraham trusted God."
Promise Gesture: Hold your hands out as if giving something, saying, "God always keeps His promises."
Story Recap: Use hand motions to retell the story of Abraham’s faith and God’s promises.
Favorite Part: Ask, "What was your favorite part of Abraham’s story?"
Trust Reflection: Play a trust game by holding hands and leading your child around, showing how trusting God is like trusting someone to guide us.