Lesson 38 - Lazarus
Jesus wept. (John 11:35)

Lazarus Falls Ill
Parent Explanation:
Lazarus, who was a good friend of Jesus, got very sick. His sisters were so worried that they sent a message to Jesus to ask for His help.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to Lazarus? (Answer: He got very sick)
What did Lazarus’ sisters do when he was sick? (Answer: They sent for Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Sick Gesture: Pretend to feel forehead as if checking for a fever.
Sending Message: Mimic writing a note and sending it off.
Get Well Cards: Create simple get-well cards for a community nursing home or hospital.
Interactive Question: What do you do when you feel sick?

Jesus' Response and Journey
Parent Explanation:
Even though Jesus knew Lazarus was very sick, He waited a little while because He had a special plan. He wanted to show how great God’s love and power are.
Questions to Ask:
Why did Jesus wait to go see Lazarus? (Answer: He had a plan to show God’s power)
How can we learn to wait patiently? (Discuss waiting for the right time)
Hand Motions:
Waiting Hands: Place hands in lap, showing waiting calmly.
Walking Gesture: March in place to signify Jesus traveling to Lazarus.
Patience Game: Play a simple game that requires waiting turns to teach patience.
Question: What feels like a long time to wait for you?

Jesus Meets Martha and Mary
Parent Explanation:
When Jesus finally arrived, Martha went out to meet Him and talked about her faith. Jesus told her that He could give life to those who believe in Him.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus say He was? (Answer: The resurrection and the life)
What does it mean that Jesus gives us life? (Discuss eternal life and hope)
Hand Motions:
Talking Hands: Use hands to gesture talking back and forth.
Lifting Hands: Lift hands upwards to symbolize rising up or resurrection.
Faith Flowers: Plant flowers or seeds to represent growing faith and new life.
Question: Who gives us life and helps us grow?

Jesus Raises Lazarus
Parent Explanation:
Jesus showed He was very sad and cried just like we do. Then, He called loudly to Lazarus, and Lazarus came out of his tomb, alive again!
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus do to Lazarus? (Answer: He made him come back to life)
How do you think everyone felt when Lazarus walked out? (Encourage expressions of surprise and joy)
Hand Motions:
Crying Gesture: Wipe eyes as if crying to show Jesus' empathy.
Calling Out Loud: Cup hands around mouth as if calling someone.
Lazarus Craft: Create simple Lazarus mummy wrappings with paper and tape to understand the tomb and coming out.
Question: What is the most surprising thing you’ve ever seen?

The Reaction of the People
Parent Explanation:
Many people saw Lazarus come back to life and believed that Jesus was really special. But not everyone was happy, and some people didn’t understand.
Questions to Ask:
What did people do after they saw Lazarus alive again? (Answer: Some believed in Jesus, others did not)
Why do you think miracles are important? (Discuss how miracles show God’s power and love)
Hand Motions:
Pointing Gesture: Point out as if seeing something amazing.
Whispering Hands: Cover mouth and whisper to mimic people talking about what they saw.
Miracle Mime: Act out different reactions to a miracle, helping children understand different responses.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part of the story of Lazarus?