Lesson 17 - The Psalms
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Psalm 150:6)

Psalms of Praise
Parent Explanation:
Psalms of Praise are like happy songs that thank God for all the wonderful things He has made, like the sun, trees, and animals.
Questions to Ask:
What can we thank God for today? (e.g., family, nature)
How do we show we are happy about something? (e.g., smiling, singing)
Hand Motions:
Clapping Hands: Clap softly while singing a simple praise song.
Spinning Arms: Spin arms around like the wind, showing joy.
Sing and Dance: Use simple musical instruments to make joyful noise.
Interactive Question: What is your favorite thing God made?

Psalms of Thanksgiving
Parent Explanation:
We say thank you to God for helping us and giving us good things, just like we thank someone who gives us a cookie.
Questions to Ask:
What are some things we can thank God for? (e.g., food, home)
How do we say thank you to God? (e.g., prayers, songs)
Hand Motions:
Hands Together: Put hands together in a prayer to say thank you.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to express love and gratitude.
Thankfulness Craft: Create thank you cards that list things they are thankful for.
Question: What makes you feel thankful?

Psalms of Trust
Parent Explanation:
When we feel scared or alone, we can remember that God is always with us, keeping us safe, just like a shepherd with his sheep.
Questions to Ask:
Who can we trust when we feel scared? (God)
What does a shepherd do? (Keeps sheep safe)
Hand Motions:
Hugging Arms: Wrap arms around yourself like a hug, showing God’s comfort.
Walking Gesture: Pretend to walk hand-in-hand, showing trust in a guide.
Comforting Game: Play a "Follow the Leader" game to demonstrate following and trusting.
Question: How do you feel when someone you trust is with you?

Psalms of Help
Parent Explanation:
When we need help, we can ask God just like we ask mommy or daddy. God listens to us and helps us because He loves us.
Questions to Ask:
Who can we ask for help when we need it? (God)
How do we ask God for help? (Praying)
Hand Motions:
Reaching Up: Reach up high, as if asking for help.
Listening Ear: Cup ear, showing that God listens to us.
Helping Hands: Create scenarios where they help each other, reinforcing the lesson.
Question: What do you do when you need help?

Psalms of Worship
Parent Explanation:
We worship God by telling Him how great He is and singing songs that tell Him we love Him.
Questions to Ask:
How can we show God we think He is great? (Singing, praying)
What words can we use to tell God we love Him? (e.g., "You're awesome," "We love You")
Hand Motions:
Waving Hands: Wave hands in the air like swaying trees in worship.
Bow Gesture: Bow down slightly, showing respect.
Worship Dance: Dance to a simple worship song, expressing joy and reverence.
Question: What makes you want to sing and dance for God?