Lesson 49 - The Armor Of God
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God (Eph 6:10-11)

The Belt of Truth
Parent Explanation:
The Belt of Truth helps us remember to always tell the truth and be honest, just like a belt keeps our pants up and everything in place.
Questions to Ask:
What does the Belt of Truth help us do? (Answer: Be honest)
Why is telling the truth important? (Discuss how truth helps us trust each other)
Hand Motions:
Belt Gesture: Pretend to put on a belt around the waist.
Thumbs Up: Give a thumbs up to signify honesty and approval.
Coloring Belt: Provide belt-shaped paper strips for coloring and decorating with truths or honest statements.
Interactive Question: Can you think of a time when being honest helped you?

The Breastplate of Righteousness
Parent Explanation:
Just like a chest protector in sports, the Breastplate of Righteousness keeps our hearts safe when we do what is right and good.
Questions to Ask:
What does the Breastplate of Righteousness protect? (Answer: Our hearts)
How do we do what is right? (Discuss listening to parents, sharing, being kind)
Hand Motions:
Patting Chest: Pat the chest area to indicate protecting the heart.
Good Choices Clap: Clap hands together as if catching something good.
Right Choices Game: Play a simple game where kids choose between right and wrong actions depicted on cards.
Question: What good choice did you make today?

The Shoes of Peace
Parent Explanation:
The Shoes of Peace help us to walk nicely, without fighting, and to go everywhere ready to be kind and share God’s love.
Questions to Ask:
What do the Shoes of Peace help us do? (Answer: Be peaceful and ready)
Why is it good to be peaceful? (Discuss spreading peace like sharing good news)
Hand Motions:
Walking in Place: Walk in place, showing readiness and purpose.
Spreading Arms: Spread arms wide to show sharing peace and love.
Peace Path: Create a path on the floor with tape that kids can follow, discussing walking in peace.
Question: How can you make your home or classroom more peaceful?

The Shield of Faith
Parent Explanation:
Just like a superhero shield, the Shield of Faith keeps us safe from things that scare us or make us feel unsure, because we know God is with us.
Questions to Ask:
What does the Shield of Faith protect us from? (Answer: Fears and doubts)
How does faith help us every day? (Discuss trusting God during scary or unsure times)
Hand Motions:
Shield Gesture: Hold an arm up as if holding a shield.
Blocking Motion: Move the shield arm across the body to block imaginary attacks.
Faith Shield Craft: Decorate cardboard cut-outs as shields with symbols of faith and strength.
Question: What are you afraid of that you can trust God to help you with?

The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit
Parent Explanation:
The Helmet keeps our thoughts safe, knowing Jesus loves us. The Sword, which is the Bible, helps us learn more about God and tell others about Him.
Questions to Ask:
What does the Helmet protect? (Answer: Our thoughts)
What does the Sword help us do? (Answer: Learn and share about God)
Hand Motions:
Helmet Gesture: Pretend to put on a helmet.
Swinging Sword: Pretend to gently swing a sword.
Bible Verse Memory: Learn a simple Bible verse that reminds us of God’s protection and love.
Favorite Part: What part of the Armor of God do you like best and why?