Can You Describe Jacob And His Ladder?
Can You Describe Jacob And His Ladder?

Can You Describe Jacob And His Ladder?

Jacob (Genesis 25-33) For Toddlers (Ages 2-4)

Lesson 7 - Jacob

And God said to him, “Your name is Jacob; no longer shall your name be called Jacob, but Israel shall be your name.” So he called his name Israel. (Genesis 35:10)

Jacob and Esau

Parent Explanation:

  • A long time ago, there were two brothers named Jacob and Esau. They were twins, but they were very different.

  • Esau was strong and liked to hunt, and Jacob liked to stay home and take care of the animals.


  • What were the names of the two brothers? (Answer: Jacob and Esau)

  • Were Jacob and Esau the same, or were they different? (Answer: They were different)

Hand Motions:

  • Brother Gesture: Hold up two fingers, saying, "There were two brothers, Jacob and Esau."

  • Different Gesture: Move your hands apart, saying, "They were very different from each other."


  • Storytelling: Briefly describe how Jacob and Esau were twins but had different personalities.

  • Interactive Question: Do you have a brother or sister? Are you the same, or are you different?

Jacob’s Trickery

Parent Explanation:

  • Jacob wanted the special blessing that was meant for Esau. So, Jacob tricked his father by pretending to be Esau.

  • Isaac, their father, gave Jacob the blessing, but this made Esau very angry.


  • Who did Jacob trick? (Answer: His father, Isaac)

  • How did Esau feel after Jacob took the blessing? (Answer: Angry)

Hand Motions:

  • Trick Gesture: Cover your eyes with your hands, saying, "Jacob tricked his father."

  • Angry Gesture: Make an angry face, saying, "Esau was very angry."


  • Role-Play: Act out a playful trick with your child, like pretending to be someone else, but emphasize that tricks can make people feel sad or mad.

  • Question: What should we do when we want something? Should we ask, or should we trick someone?

Jacob’s Dream: The Ladder

Parent Explanation:

  • Jacob had to leave home because his brother Esau was angry. While Jacob was sleeping, he had a dream.

  • In the dream, there was a ladder going up to heaven, and angels were going up and down. God spoke to Jacob and said, "I will be with you and take care of you."


  • What did Jacob see in his dream? (Answer: A ladder to heaven with angels)

  • Who spoke to Jacob in the dream? (Answer: God)

Hand Motions:

  • Ladder Gesture: Pretend to climb an imaginary ladder, saying, "Jacob saw a ladder reaching to heaven."

  • Angel Gesture: Flutter your hands like wings, saying, "Angels were going up and down the ladder."


  • Dream Role-Play: Pretend to sleep and then act out climbing a ladder to heaven with your child, imagining angels around you.

  • Reflection: God told Jacob He would be with him. Who is always with us, too?

Jacob's Journey

Parent Explanation:

  • Jacob had to take a long trip to find his family. He went to his uncle Laban’s house and worked there.

  • Jacob met Rachel and Leah, who became his wives.


  • Who did Jacob meet when he was there? (Answer: Rachel and Leah)

  • What did Jacob do at Laban's house? (Answer: He worked)

Hand Motions:

  • Meeting Gesture: Reach out hands like you're meeting someone and say, "Jacob met Rachel and Leah!"

  • Work Gesture: Pretend to dig or sweep and say, "Jacob worked hard for Laban!"


  • Story Time: Tell the story of Jacob’s journey, using simple language and asking what parts they liked.

  • Role Play: Act out Jacob’s journey by pretending to pack, walk, and meet new people, with kids joining in.

Jacob Reunites With his Brother

Parent Explanation:

  • Jacob was afraid to meet Esau again because he had tricked him. But when Esau saw Jacob, he wasn’t angry anymore.

  • Esau forgave Jacob, and they hugged each other. God helped them love and forgive each other.


  • Was Jacob scared to see Esau again? (Answer: Yes)

  • What did Esau do when he saw Jacob? (Answer: He forgave him and hugged him)

Hand Motions:

  • Hugging Gesture: Hug yourself or your child, saying, "Esau forgave Jacob and gave him a big hug."

  • Forgiveness Gesture: Place your hands over your heart, saying, "God helps us forgive each other."


  • Hug Role-Play: Give your child a big hug, imagining the happy reunion of Jacob and Esau.

  • Reflection Question: How does it feel when someone forgives us? Can we say sorry when we do something wrong?

Closing Prayer: Dear God, thank you for loving us, even when we make mistakes. Help us to forgive each other and trust you like Jacob did. Amen!

Lesson 8: Who Was Joseph And His Coat Of Many Colors?