Lesson 24 - Daniel
My God sent his angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me, because I was found blameless before him; and also before you, O king, I have done no harm.” (Daniel 6:22)

Daniel's Early Life in Babylon
Parent Explanation:
Daniel was a young man who was taken far away from home to a place called Babylon. Even there, he remembered to follow God’s ways.
Questions to Ask:
What special choice did Daniel make about food? (Answer: He chose vegetables and water)
Why did Daniel make this choice? (Answer: To follow God’s rules)
Hand Motions:
Eating Healthy Gesture: Pretend to eat from a bowl, choosing healthy food.
Strong Muscle: Flex arms to show strength from good choices.
Healthy Snack Time: Share vegetables and water to experience what Daniel chose.
Interactive Question: How do you feel when you make good choices?

Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
Parent Explanation:
When the king had a dream that scared him, only Daniel could explain it because Daniel asked God to help him understand.
Questions to Ask:
How did Daniel find out what the king’s dream meant? (Answer: He prayed to God)
What does this teach us about problems we don’t understand? (Answer: We can ask God for help)
Hand Motions:
Thinking Cap: Tap your head, then point upward to signify seeking divine guidance.
Dream Gesture: Rest cheek on hands like you’re sleeping, then open eyes wide in wonder.
Dream Drawing: Let children draw a picture of a dream they might have, discussing how it feels to understand or not understand something.
Question: What do you do when you need help understanding something?

The Fiery Furnace
Parent Explanation:
Daniel’s friends were brave and trusted God so much that they didn’t get hurt in a very hot furnace. Everyone saw that God was with them.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to Daniel’s friends in the furnace? (Answer: They were not burned)
Who kept them safe? (Answer: God)
Hand Motions:
Fire Gesture: Wave hands like flickering flames.
Safe Hug: Wrap arms around self, showing protection.
Fire Safety Lesson: Teach basic fire safety in a simple, non-threatening way.
Question: How do you feel knowing God can protect us?

Daniel in the Lions' Den
Parent Explanation:
Even when Daniel knew it could be very dangerous to pray to God, he did it anyway because he loved God. God kept him safe from the lions.
Questions to Ask:
Why was Daniel put in the lions' den? (Answer: For praying to God)
What happened in the lions' den? (Answer: The lions didn’t hurt him)
Hand Motions:
Praying Hands: Fold hands in prayer.
Lion's Mouth: Open and close hands like a lion’s mouth closing.
Courage Craft: Create lion masks to remind them of Daniel’s courage and faith.
Question: What helps you be brave?

Daniel's Faithfulness
Parent Explanation:
Daniel’s whole life shows us how important it is to love and trust God, no matter where we are or what is happening.
Questions to Ask:
What was special about Daniel’s life? (Answer: He always trusted God)
How can we be like Daniel? (Answer: By trusting and praying to God)
Hand Motions:
Consistent Wave: Steady hand waving, showing consistency.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to signify love and devotion.
Story Review: Recap key events from Daniel’s life using visuals or simple props.
Favorite Part: What did you like best about Daniel’s story?