Lesson 47 - The Apostle Paul
I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)

Saul's Conversion on the Road to Damascus
Parent Explanation:
Saul was going to a town to find people who loved Jesus because he didn’t believe in Him. But on his way, Jesus showed him a bright light and talked to him, and that changed Saul's heart. He changed his name to Paul.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to Saul on the road? (Answer: He saw a bright light and heard Jesus)
How did Saul change after seeing the light? (Answer: He believed in Jesus and became Paul)
Hand Motions:
Bright Light: Cover eyes as if suddenly blinded by a bright light.
Listening Ears: Cup ears with hands, indicating hearing Jesus.
Light and Dark Craft: Create a simple craft with light and dark paper to show Saul's transformation from darkness to light.
Interactive Question: Have you ever changed your mind about something important?

Paul's First Missionary Journey
Parent Explanation:
Paul went on a big trip to many places, telling everyone about Jesus. Even though it was tough, he made lots of friends who also started loving Jesus.
Questions to Ask:
Where did Paul go? (Answer: To many different cities)
What did Paul do on his journeys? (Answer: Told people about Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Walking Feet: Tap feet on the ground, simulating walking long distances.
Talking Hands: Move hands as if speaking to people.
Map Activity: Show a simple map and trace Paul's journey with markers or stickers.
Question: How can we tell others about something we love?

Paul and Silas in Prison
Parent Explanation:
Paul and his friend Silas were put in jail, but they didn’t stop singing to God. God sent an earthquake to open the doors, but they didn’t run away! They saved the jailer and his family.
Questions to Ask:
What did Paul and Silas do in jail? (Answer: Sang and prayed)
What happened because they stayed in jail? (Answer: The jailer and his family believed in Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Singing Hands: Pretend to sing with joy.
Shaking Hands: Shake hands to mimic the earthquake.
Sing-Along: Sing a simple song about faith or joy.
Question: What do you do when you're happy?

Paul's Shipwreck
Parent Explanation:
Paul was on a ship that got caught in a huge storm and broke apart, but he wasn’t afraid because he trusted God to keep him and everyone else safe.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to Paul on the ship? (Answer: The ship was wrecked in a storm)
How did Paul help everyone on the ship? (Answer: He encouraged them and helped them trust in God)
Hand Motions:
Waves Motion: Wave arms back and forth to show stormy seas.
Calm Down Gesture: Place hands downward to signal calming down.
Boat Making: Build simple boats from paper or lightweight materials and float them in water.
Question: How can you help someone who is scared?

Paul's Letters to the Churches
Parent Explanation:
Paul wrote letters to his friends in different cities to help them remember how to live like Jesus wanted. We can read these letters in the Bible today.
Questions to Ask:
What did Paul write to his friends? (Answer: Letters to teach and encourage them)
Why are Paul’s letters important? (Answer: They help us learn about Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Writing Gesture: Pretend to write with a pen.
Heart Hands: Place hands over heart to show love through words.
Letter Decorating: Decorate simple paper letters and talk about what messages we would send to our friends about Jesus.
Favorite Part: What is your favorite way to send messages to your friends?