Lesson 52 - The New Heaven And Earth
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. (Revelation 21:1-2)

The Beauty of the New Creation
Parent Explanation:
God promises to make everything new one day, where everything is beautiful and no one is ever sad or hurts.
Questions to Ask:
What do you think the new world will look like? (Encourage imagination about beauty and joy)
What are some beautiful things you like to look at? (Help them connect to things they find beautiful)
Hand Motions:
Sparkling Fingers: Wiggle fingers downward like sparkling lights to represent beauty.
Wide Smile: Make a big smile to show happiness in the new creation.
Creation Collage: Create a collage using bright colors and shiny materials to represent the new heaven and earth.
Interactive Question: What would you put in a perfect world?

Living with God Forever
Parent Explanation:
In this wonderful new place, God will be with us all the time, and He will make everything bright and happy.
Questions to Ask:
What does it mean to live with God forever? (Discuss God's eternal presence)
How does it feel to know God is always with you? (Encourage feelings of security and happiness)
Hand Motions:
Hugging Arms: Wrap arms around self, then open wide to show God’s encompassing presence.
Shining Hands: Open hands wide above head, palms out, to represent God’s light.
Forever Calendar: Create a simple perpetual calendar with symbols of eternal life (sun, cross, heart).
Question: What would you ask God if you could see Him every day?

The River of Life and the Tree of Life
Parent Explanation:
There’s a beautiful river that flows right from where God is, and it makes everything live. There’s also a special tree that helps everyone be healthy and happy.
Questions to Ask:
What does the River of Life do? (Answer: Brings life and health)
Why is the Tree of Life special? (Discuss its healing leaves and constant fruit)
Hand Motions:
Flowing River: Wave hands in a flowing motion to represent the river.
Growing Tree: Start with hands at the ground and raise them up slowly to show a tree growing.
Water Play: Use water tables or play with water to simulate the river, discussing how water helps things grow.
Favorite Part: What part of God’s new world do you think is the most wonderful?