Lesson 42 - The Resurrection
He is not here, for he has risen (Matthew 28:6)

The Empty Tomb
Parent Explanation:
When Mary and her friends went to visit Jesus’ tomb, they found it empty! An angel told them that Jesus was alive again.
Questions to Ask:
What did Mary find at the tomb? (Answer: It was empty)
What did the angel say? (Answer: That Jesus had risen)
Hand Motions:
Looking Gesture: Shield eyes and peer around as if looking into the tomb.
Surprised Hands: Place hands on cheeks to show surprise.
Empty Tomb Craft: Create a simple craft of the empty tomb using a small box or cup.
Interactive Question: How do you think you would feel if you saw the empty tomb?

Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
Parent Explanation:
Mary was very sad at the tomb, but then she saw someone she thought was the gardener. It was actually Jesus! She was so happy and ran to tell His friends.
Questions to Ask:
Who did Mary see outside the tomb? (Answer: Jesus)
What did Mary do when she realized it was Jesus? (Answer: She told the disciples)
Hand Motions:
Revealing Gesture: Pull hands away from face like unveiling something.
Running Steps: Pretend to run in place, showing Mary's excitement.
Message Relay: Have children pass a whispered message about Jesus' resurrection to understand the spread of good news.
Question: What good news would you like to share with your family?

Jesus Appears to His Disciples
Parent Explanation:
The disciples were hiding because they were afraid, but Jesus came and showed them He was alive. They were so amazed and happy!
Questions to Ask:
How did Jesus show He was alive to His disciples? (Answer: He showed them His wounds)
Why were the disciples amazed? (Discuss Jesus’ miraculous appearance)
Hand Motions:
Open Door Gesture: Pretend to open a door, symbolizing Jesus entering the locked room.
Pointing to Hands and Side: Point to palms and then to the side to show where Jesus had been hurt.
Seeing is Believing: Use hidden objects in a box that children can feel but not see, discussing faith and belief.
Question: How can we see Jesus in our lives today?

The Doubt of Thomas
Parent Explanation:
Thomas didn’t believe his friends when they told him Jesus was alive. He wanted to see Jesus himself, and Jesus let him to help him believe.
Questions to Ask:
What did Thomas need to believe Jesus was alive? (Answer: To see and touch Jesus)
How did Jesus help Thomas believe? (Answer: He showed him His wounds)
Hand Motions:
Doubtful Arms: Cross arms and shake head to show doubt.
Believing Clap: Clap hands once Thomas believes, showing realization.
Faith Walk: Blindfolded trust walk where kids learn to guide and trust each other.
Question: What helps you believe in things you can’t see?

The Promise of Eternal Life
Parent Explanation:
Because Jesus came back to life, we can have hope that we’ll live forever with Him. This makes us very happy and thankful!
Questions to Ask:
What does Jesus’ resurrection promise us? (Answer: Eternal life)
Why is this important to us? (Discuss hope, comfort, and love)
Hand Motions:
Heart Circle: Draw a big circle with hands over heart, symbolizing eternal love.
Jumping for Joy: Jump up and down to show happiness.
Eternal Life Drawing: Draw pictures of heaven or happy places to imagine eternal life.
Favorite Part: What is your favorite part about knowing Jesus loves us?