Lesson 11 - Joshua
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go (Joshua 1:9)

Joshua Becomes Leader
Parent Explanation:
After Moses, Joshua became the leader of the Israelites. He was brave and always listened to God.
God told Joshua that He would always be with him, helping him to lead the people.
Who became the leader after Moses? (Answer: Joshua)
What did God promise Joshua? (Answer: To be with him)
Hand Motions:
Leader Gesture: Stand tall and march in place, showing leadership.
Promise Gesture: Point upwards to signify God's promise.
Storytelling: Share how Joshua was chosen to be a leader and why it was important for him to be brave.
Interactive Question: What makes someone a good leader?

Rahab and the Spies
Parent Explanation:
Joshua sent two spies to Jericho to learn about the land. A woman named Rahab hid them from the city’s guards.
Rahab knew God was with the Israelites, so she helped the spies and asked them to keep her family safe.
Who did Joshua send to Jericho? (Answer: Two spies)
Who helped the spies? (Answer: Rahab)
Hand Motions:
Spy Gesture: Use hands to make binoculars around your eyes.
Hide Gesture: Cover your face with hands, then peek out.
Hide-and-Seek Game: Play a simple hide-and-seek game to illustrate hiding the spies.
Question: How can we help others like Rahab helped the spies?

Crossing the Jordan River
Parent Explanation:
When Joshua and the Israelites came to the Jordan River, God did something amazing. He made the river stop flowing so everyone could walk across on dry land.
This miracle showed everyone that God was helping Joshua lead the people.
What did God do to the Jordan River? (Answer: Stopped it so people could cross)
Why did God stop the river? (Answer: To show He was with Joshua and the people)
Hand Motions:
River Gesture: Wave your hands horizontally, then stop and show them flat, representing the river stopping.
Walking Gesture: March in place to show crossing the river.
Water Play: Use a shallow tray of water and show how it can be "stopped" with a barrier, simulating the crossing.
Question: What amazing things have you seen?

Jericho's Walls Fall Down
Parent Explanation:
To take the city of Jericho, Joshua and the Israelites did exactly what God told them. They marched around the city walls many times.
On the last day, after marching 7 times and making a big shout, the walls of the city fell down all by themselves!
What did Joshua and his people do to make the walls fall down? (Answer: Marched and shouted)
What happened to the walls of Jericho? (Answer: They fell down)
Hand Motions:
Marching Gesture: March in place.
Wall Fall Gesture: Bring your arms up and then crashing down to show the walls falling.
Marching Game: Lead a "march" around a room or yard to simulate marching around Jericho.
Question: How do we follow instructions?

Joshua's Commitment to God
Parent Explanation:
Joshua was a great leader because he always listened to God. He led the people to many places and helped them win battles.
Before he died, Joshua told everyone to always choose to serve God, just like he did.
What kind of leader was Joshua? (Answer: Faithful and good)
What did Joshua tell the people? (Answer: To serve God)
Hand Motions:
Leadership Gesture: Point forward as if leading a group.
Choose Gesture: Hold up both hands, then decisively choose one, symbolizing choosing to serve God.
Role-Play: Act out scenes of Joshua leading people and giving instructions.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part of Joshua’s story?