Lesson 9 - Moses
And there has not arisen a prophet since in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, none like him for all the signs and the wonders that the Lord sent him to do in the land of Egypt, to Pharaoh and to all his servants and to all his land. (Deut 34:10-11)

Moses's Early Life
Parent Explanation:
Moses was born when it was very dangerous for little Hebrew boys because the king of Egypt, called Pharaoh, did not want them to grow up.
Moses’s mother hid him in a basket on the river to save him. Pharaoh’s daughter found him and decided to take care of him as her own.
How was Moses saved when he was a baby? (Answer: He was placed in a basket on the river)
Who found Moses? (Answer: Pharaoh’s daughter)
Hand Motions:
Basket Gesture: Cup your hands together as if holding a small basket, saying, "Moses was kept safe in a little basket."
River Gesture: Wave your hands side to side to simulate water, saying, "He floated on the river until he was found."
Storytelling: Use a small basket and a doll to show how Moses was hidden and found.
Interactive Question: Can you imagine what it would be like to float in a basket?

The Burning Bush
Parent Explanation:
One day, while taking care of sheep, Moses saw a bush that was on fire but wasn’t getting burned up. This was very special because God was in the bush.
God talked to Moses from the bush. He asked Moses to go back to Egypt and help free his people, the Hebrews.
What was special about the bush Moses saw? (Answer: It was on fire but didn’t burn up)
What did God ask Moses to do? (Answer: Free the Hebrews from Egypt)
Hand Motions:
Burning Bush Gesture: Flick your fingers upward to mimic flames, saying, "The bush was on fire but did not burn up."
Talking Gesture: Cup your hand to your ear, as if listening, saying, "God spoke to Moses from the bush."
Role-Play: Pretend to be Moses discovering the burning bush.
Question: How do you think Moses felt when he heard God talking to him?

The Ten Plagues
Parent Explanation:
When Moses asked Pharaoh to let his people go, Pharaoh said no. So, God sent 10 plagues to help Pharaoh change his mind.
These plagues were things like frogs, bugs, and even darkness, and they showed how powerful God is.
What did Pharaoh say when Moses asked to free the Hebrews? (Answer: No)
Name one of the plagues God sent. (Accept any correct answer)
Hand Motions:
Plague Gestures: Use different motions for various plagues, like hopping for frogs or darkness by covering eyes.
Power Gesture: Clench your fist to show God’s power.
Plague Role-Play: Act out one of the plagues using simple props like toy frogs.
Question: What would you think if you saw a river turn to blood?

Parting the Red Sea
Parent Explanation:
Pharaoh finally said the Hebrews could leave Egypt. But when they got to a big sea, they were stuck. Pharaoh’s army was coming to take them back.
God made a path through the sea so Moses and his people could walk on dry ground. Then, the water came back and stopped the army.
What did God do to help Moses and the Hebrews escape from Pharaoh? (Answer: Parted the Red Sea)
What happened to the army when they tried to follow? (Answer: The sea closed on them)
Hand Motions:
Parting Sea Gesture: Spread your arms wide apart, saying, "God parted the Red Sea."
Walking Gesture: March in place, saying, "The Hebrews walked through on dry land."
Red Sea Role-Play: Use a blue sheet or towel to represent the sea and have children walk between the parted "waters."
Question: How would you feel walking through a sea on dry land?

God's Guidance
Parent Explanation:
Moses was a great leader for the Hebrews because he listened to God.
God showed them the way through the desert with a cloud and at night with a pillar of fire.
How did God show the way to Moses and the Hebrews in the desert? (Answer: Cloud by day and fire by night)
What makes Moses a good leader? (Answer: He listened to God)
Hand Motions:
Guiding Gesture: Point forward, moving your arm like a cloud moving, saying, "God guided them with a cloud."
Night Gesture: Wave your hands gently, as if flickering flames, saying, "And at night, a pillar of fire."
Guidance Role-Play: Pretend to be following the cloud and fire with your child.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part of Moses’s story?