Lesson 12 - Gideon
And the Lord said to Gideon, "With the 300 men who lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hand "(Judges 7:7)

Gideon’s Call
Parent Explanation:
God chose Gideon to save Israel even though Gideon was scared and hiding. Gideon didn’t think he was strong enough.
God told Gideon that he would help him, and he should not be afraid.
Who did God choose to help save Israel? (Answer: Gideon)
How did Gideon feel when God chose him? (Answer: Scared and unsure)
Hand Motions:
Hiding Gesture: Cover your eyes with your hands.
Call Gesture: Extend your hand outward as if calling someone.
Storytelling: Share the story of Gideon’s call and his conversation with God.
Interactive Question: Have you ever felt scared to do something new? What helps you feel brave?

The Sign of the Fleece
Parent Explanation:
Gideon wanted to be really sure that God was with him, so he asked for a special sign.
He put a piece of wool on the ground and asked God to make it wet while keeping the ground dry, and God did it!
What sign did Gideon ask for from God? (Answer: That the fleece would be wet and the ground dry)
Did God give Gideon the sign he asked for? (Answer: Yes)
Hand Motions:
Fleece Gesture: Lay one hand flat, palm down, to represent placing the fleece.
Dew Gesture: Wiggle your fingers above the fleece hand, mimicking dew falling.
Role-Play: Pretend to perform the fleece test with your child using a small towel and a spray bottle.
Question: How do you think Gideon felt when he saw the sign from God?

Reducing the Army
Parent Explanation:
God wanted to make sure everyone knew that it was His power that saved Israel, not the soldier's strength.
So, He told Gideon to make the army smaller. Only 300 men were chosen to fight with Gideon.
Why did God want Gideon to have a smaller army? (Answer: To show that God was giving them the victory)
How many men did Gideon end up with? (Answer: 300)
Hand Motions:
Large to Small Gesture: Spread your arms wide, then bring them closely together.
Drinking Gesture: Pretend to scoop water with your hand to your mouth.
Counting Game: Help your child count from a larger number down to 300 to illustrate the reduction.
Question: Can you think of a time when you needed help to do something hard?

The Battle Against the Midianites
Parent Explanation:
During the night, Gideon and his men crept around the enemy camp. They had trumpets and jars with lights inside.
When Gideon gave the signal, they made a lot of noise and showed their lights, which scared the enemy so much they ran away!
What did Gideon’s men use to scare the Midianites? (Answer: Trumpets and torches)
What happened to the Midianites? (Answer: They got scared and ran away)
Hand Motions:
Trumpet Gesture: Pretend to hold and blow a trumpet.
Jar Break Gesture: Clap hands to mimic breaking the jars.
Sound and Light Game: Create a fun activity with noise-makers and flashlights to simulate the battle.
Question: How do you think Gideon’s men felt winning the battle that way?

Gideon’s Leadership and Legacy
Parent Explanation:
Gideon became a great leader for Israel after the battle. He helped bring peace to the land for many years.
His story helps us remember that God can use anyone to do amazing things, even if they are scared at first.
What kind of leader was Gideon after the battle? (Answer: A good leader who brought peace)
What can we learn from Gideon’s story? (Answer: That God helps us do great things)
Hand Motions:
Peace Gesture: Spread your hands outward, palms up, as if offering peace.
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to show Gideon’s courage and leadership.
Leadership Role-Play: Act out leading a group to safety or peace, emphasizing bravery and smart choices.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part of Gideon’s story?