Lesson 16 - David
Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers. And the Spirit of the Lord rushed upon David from that day forward. (1 Samuel 16:13)

David is Anointed as King
Parent Explanation:
David was a young shepherd who took care of sheep. God chose him to be a king because he was brave and kind.
Samuel, a prophet, anointed David with oil, which means he was picked by God to be a special leader.
What job did David have before becoming king? (Answer: Shepherd)
Why did God choose David to be king? (Answer: Because of his good heart)
Hand Motions:
Shepherd Gesture: Pretend to hold a shepherd’s staff.
Anointing Gesture: Pretend to pour oil over your head gently.
Storytelling: Share how David was anointed and what qualities made him special.
Interactive Question: What makes you special or unique?

David and Goliath
Parent Explanation:
David wasn’t big, but he was very brave. He fought a giant named Goliath with just a sling and stones because he knew God was with him.
With one smooth stone, David hit Goliath and won, showing that anyone can do great things with God’s help.
What did David use to fight Goliath? (Answer: A sling and stones)
What helped David defeat Goliath? (Answer: His faith in God)
Hand Motions:
Sling Gesture: Pretend to swing and release a sling.
Victory Gesture: Jump and raise your hands in triumph.
Role-Play: Act out the story using a soft ball as the stone and a makeshift sling.
Question: How can we be brave like David?

David and Jonathan's Friendship
Parent Explanation:
David had a very good friend named Jonathan. Even though Jonathan’s father didn’t like David, Jonathan and David promised to be friends forever.
They helped each other and stayed loyal, which means they kept their promises no matter what.
Who was David's best friend? (Answer: Jonathan)
What did Jonathan and David promise each other? (Answer: To always help and protect each other)
Hand Motions:
Friendship Gesture: Link your fingers together, symbolizing a strong bond.
Protection Gesture: Put your arm out as if shielding a friend.
Friendship Bracelets: Make simple friendship bracelets to represent the bond between David and Jonathan.
Question: What do you like to do with your friends?

David Becomes King
Parent Explanation:
After many years, David became the king. He was a good king who brought all the people of Israel together.
He chose Jerusalem to be the center of the kingdom and tried to make fair decisions.
What city did David make the capital of Israel? (Answer: Jerusalem)
What kind of king was David? (Answer: Good)
Hand Motions:
Crown Gesture: Pretend to place a crown on your head.
Unity Gesture: Clasp your hands together, uniting them.
Crown Craft: Create paper crowns to understand David’s role as king.
Question: What would you do if you were king or queen for a day?

David’s Leadership
Parent Explanation:
Even though David was a great king, he made mistakes. But he always asked God to forgive him, and he tried to do better.
David wrote many songs, called Psalms, that tell us how much he loved God.
What did David do when he made mistakes? (Answer: He asked God for forgiveness)
What can we learn from David about making mistakes? (Answer: To say sorry and try to do better)
Hand Motions:
Sorry Gesture: Bow your head slightly and place your hand on your chest.
Praise Gesture: Lift your hands up as if singing or praising.
Singing Psalms: Teach a simple song or Psalm that celebrates forgiveness.
Favorite Part: What did you like best about David's story?