Lesson 3 - Noah's Ark
I have set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. (Genesis 9:13)

Noah and The Ark
Parent Explanation:
We are going to learn about a man named Noah. Noah loved God, and God asked him to do something very important.
God saw that people were doing bad things. But God also saw that Noah was a good man.
What was Noah's big job? (Answer: To build an ark)
Why did God choose Noah? (Answer: Because Noah loved God)
Hand Motions:
Noah Gesture: Cup hands together like holding a small boat, saying, "Noah loved God and listened to Him."
Ark Gesture: Spread arms wide to show a big ark, saying, "God told Noah to build a big boat."
Storytelling: Briefly introduce Noah and his family and explain how God asked Noah to build the ark.
Interactive Question: What do you think a big boat looks like? (Encourage imaginative responses)

Building the Ark
Parent Explanation:
God told Noah to build a big ark to keep his family and the animals safe.
Noah worked hard and obeyed God because he trusted Him.
What did Noah build? (Answer: The ark)
Did Noah listen to God? (Answer: Yes)
Hand Motions:
Building Gesture: Pretend to hammer and build, saying, "Noah built the ark just like God told him."
Big Ark Gesture: Spread arms wide, saying, "The ark was very big!"
Building Role-Play: Pretend to build the ark with your child, using hand motions to hammer, saw, and paint.
Simple Reflection: When someone we love asks us to do something, do we listen like Noah listened to God?

The Animals Enter the Ark
Parent Explanation:
God told Noah to bring animals into the ark, two by two, so they could be safe from the flood.
God saved all kinds of animals - big ones like elephants and little ones like birds.
How many animals went into the ark at a time? (Answer: Two by two)
What kinds of animals do you think went into the ark? (Encourage answers like lions, birds, etc.)
Hand Motions:
Animal Gesture: Move hands like different animals walking (e.g. big stomps for elephants, flapping arms for birds), saying, "The animals came two by two."
Ark Entry Gesture: Pretend to lead animals into the ark with your hands, saying, "Noah led them into the ark."
Animal Imitation: Pretend to be different animals with your child - stomping like an elephant, hopping like a rabbit, or flapping like a bird.
Question: What’s your favorite animal? Do you think it was on the ark?

The Great Flood and God's Protection
Parent Explanation:
It rained for a long time - 40 days and 40 nights. The water covered the whole earth.
Noah, his family, and the animals were safe because God was taking care of them inside the ark.
How many days did it rain? (Answer: 40 days and 40 nights)
Who kept Noah and the animals safe? (Answer: God)
Hand Motions:
Rain Gesture: Wiggle fingers downward like raindrops, saying, "It rained and rained for 40 days and 40 nights."
Protection Gesture: Hug yourself or your child, saying, "But God kept them safe in the ark."
Rain Imitation: Pretend to be the rain with your child by making soft rain sounds and wiggling fingers.
Flood Role-Play: Sit inside a pretend "ark" (like a blanket fort) and imagine being safe inside while the rain falls outside.

God's Promise and the Rainbow
Parent Explanation:
When the rain stopped, God made a promise to Noah that He would never flood the earth again.
God put a beautiful rainbow in the sky as a sign of His promise. The rainbow reminds us of God’s love.
What did God put in the sky after the rain? (Answer: A rainbow)
What is the rainbow a sign of? (Answer: God’s promise)
Have you ever seen a rainbow? (Encourage the child to share their experiences)
Hand Motions:
Rainbow Gesture: Sweep arms in an arc like a rainbow, saying, "God put a rainbow in the sky as a promise."
Promise Gesture: Point to the sky, saying, "God promised to never flood the earth again."
Rainbow Imitation: Use your arms to create a big rainbow, then ask your child to do the same.
Reflection Question: When you see a rainbow, what does it remind you of?