Lesson 1 - God Made Everything
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

The Creation Story
Parent Explanation:
We are going to learn a wonderful story about how God made the whole world in 7 days.
Each day, God made something new and special!
Who made the world? (Answer: God)
How many days did it take God to make everything? (Answer: 7 days)
Hand Motions:
Opening Gesture: Spread arms wide and say, "God made everything!"
Closing Gesture: Clasp hands together and nod, saying, "Let’s learn about each day."

Day 1: Light and Darkness
Parent Explanation:
On the 1st day, God said "Let there be light," and there was light.
He made day and night so we can have time to play and rest.
What did God make on the first day? (Answer: Light)
When do we play? In the daytime or nighttime? (Answer: Daytime)
When do we sleep? (Answer: Nighttime)
Hand Motions:
Light Gesture: Raise arms up high and spread fingers like rays of the sun, saying, "Let there be light!"
Darkness Gesture: Cover eyes with hands, saying, "And then there was night."
Interactive Play: Alternate between "day" and "night" by raising and covering hands.
Simple Dialogue: "When it's day, we can see and play. When it's night, we rest."

Day 2: Sky and Waters
Parent Explanation:
On the 2nd day, God made the sky. He put the water above the sky and the water below.
The sky lets us see the clouds and birds flying.
What do you see when you look up in the sky? (Possible answers: clouds, birds, blue sky)
Who made the sky? (Answer: God)
Hand Motions:
Sky Gesture: Stretch arms out wide above the head, saying, "God made the sky!"
Water Gesture: Wiggle fingers downward, mimicking water flowing, saying, "And He made the waters."
Sky Observation: Look outside and point to the sky, saying, "This is the sky God made."
Cloud Imitation: Fluff hands like clouds and float them around.

Day 3: Land, Seas, and Plants
Parent Explanation:
On the 3rd day, God made the land where we walk and the seas where fish live.
He also made all the plants, trees, and flowers for us to enjoy.
What do we walk on? (Answer: Land)
What do fish swim in? (Answer: Water or seas)
Can you name a flower or a tree that God made? (Answer: any flower or tree)
Hand Motions:
Land Gesture: Stomp feet lightly, saying, "God made the land!"
Sea Gesture: Move hands side to side like waves, saying, "And He made the seas."
Plant Gesture: Wiggle fingers upward like growing plants, saying, "God made plants and flowers!"
Nature Walk: Point out trees, plants, or any greenery around the home.
Plant Imitation: Pretend to plant seeds by burying hands and then stretching arms up as plants grow.

Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars
Parent Explanation:
On the 4th day, God made the sun to give us light when it's day.
He also made the moon and stars to shine at night.
What gives us light during the day? (Answer: The sun)
What do we see in the sky at night? (Answer: The moon and stars)
Can you show me how the stars twinkle? (Encourage them to wiggle their fingers)
Hand Motions:
Sun Gesture: Make a large circle with arms, saying, "God made the sun!"
Moon and Stars Gesture: Use one hand to make a smaller circle for the moon and twinkle fingers for stars, saying, "And He made the moon and stars!"
Star Gazing: Look at the sky (if possible) and point out stars, saying, "These are the stars God made."
Sun and Moon Imitation: Rotate arms in a circular motion for the sun and gently sway one hand like a crescent moon.

Day 5: Fish and Birds
Parent Explanation:
On the 5th day, God created all the fish that swim in the seas and the birds that fly in the sky.
He made them to fill the waters and the air with life.
What swims in the water? (Answer: Fish)
What flies in the sky? (Answer: Birds)
Can you make a fish face or bird wings?
Hand Motions:
Fish Gesture: Move hands side to side like swimming fish, saying, "God made the fish!"
Bird Gesture: Flap arms like wings, saying, "And He made the birds!"
Fish and Bird Sounds: Make sounds like fish swimming and birds chirping.
Animal Imitation: Encourage the child to mimic swimming fish and flying birds.

Day 6: Animals and People
Parent Explanation:
On the 6th day, God made all the animals - elephants, lions, tiny ants, and more!
He also made the first people, Adam and Eve, to take care of the world and love each other.
What’s your favorite animal that God made? (Encourage them to name any animal)
Who were the first people God made? (Answer: Adam and Eve)
Can you pretend to be your favorite animal? (Encourage playful role-playing)
Hand Motions:
Animal Gesture: Pretend to be different animals (e.g., roar like a lion, flap like a bird), saying, "God made the animals!"
People Gesture: Point to self and the child, saying, "God made us!"
Animal Sounds: Imitate various animal sounds together.
Role-Playing: Take turns pretending to be animals or people taking care of the world.

Day 7: God Rested
Parent Explanation:
On the 7th day, God rested from all His work.
He showed us that resting is important and good.
What’s your favorite animal that God made? (Encourage them to name any animal)
Who were the first people God made? (Answer: Adam and Eve)
Hand Motions:
Rest Gesture: Stretch arms out and lean back gently, saying, "God rested."
Sleep Gesture: Pretend to sleep by closing eyes and taking deep breaths.
Quiet Time: Encourage a short rest or quiet cuddle time together.
Gentle Swaying: Gently sway back and forth to mimic resting.