How Do I Explain God's Creation From The Beginning?
How Do I Explain God's Creation From The Beginning?

How Do I Explain God's Creation From The Beginning?

The Creation Story (Genesis 1) For Toddlers (Ages 2-4)

Lesson 1 - God Made Everything

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. (Genesis 1:1)

The Creation Story

Parent Explanation:

  • We are going to learn a wonderful story about how God made the whole world in 7 days.

  • Each day, God made something new and special!


  • Who made the world? (Answer: God)

  • How many days did it take God to make everything? (Answer: 7 days)

Hand Motions:

  • Opening Gesture: Spread arms wide and say, "God made everything!"

  • Closing Gesture: Clasp hands together and nod, saying, "Let’s learn about each day."

Day 1: Light and Darkness

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 1st day, God said "Let there be light," and there was light.

  • He made day and night so we can have time to play and rest.


  • What did God make on the first day? (Answer: Light)

  • When do we play? In the daytime or nighttime? (Answer: Daytime)

  • When do we sleep? (Answer: Nighttime)

Hand Motions:

  • Light Gesture: Raise arms up high and spread fingers like rays of the sun, saying, "Let there be light!"

  • Darkness Gesture: Cover eyes with hands, saying, "And then there was night."


  • Interactive Play: Alternate between "day" and "night" by raising and covering hands.

  • Simple Dialogue: "When it's day, we can see and play. When it's night, we rest."

Day 2: Sky and Waters

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 2nd day, God made the sky. He put the water above the sky and the water below.

  • The sky lets us see the clouds and birds flying.


  • What do you see when you look up in the sky? (Possible answers: clouds, birds, blue sky)

  • Who made the sky? (Answer: God)

Hand Motions:

  • Sky Gesture: Stretch arms out wide above the head, saying, "God made the sky!"

  • Water Gesture: Wiggle fingers downward, mimicking water flowing, saying, "And He made the waters."


  • Sky Observation: Look outside and point to the sky, saying, "This is the sky God made."

  • Cloud Imitation: Fluff hands like clouds and float them around.

Day 3: Land, Seas, and Plants

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 3rd day, God made the land where we walk and the seas where fish live.

  • He also made all the plants, trees, and flowers for us to enjoy.


  • What do we walk on? (Answer: Land)

  • What do fish swim in? (Answer: Water or seas)

  • Can you name a flower or a tree that God made? (Answer: any flower or tree)

Hand Motions:

  • Land Gesture: Stomp feet lightly, saying, "God made the land!"

  • Sea Gesture: Move hands side to side like waves, saying, "And He made the seas."

  • Plant Gesture: Wiggle fingers upward like growing plants, saying, "God made plants and flowers!"


  • Nature Walk: Point out trees, plants, or any greenery around the home.

  • Plant Imitation: Pretend to plant seeds by burying hands and then stretching arms up as plants grow.

Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 4th day, God made the sun to give us light when it's day.

  • He also made the moon and stars to shine at night.


  • What gives us light during the day? (Answer: The sun)

  • What do we see in the sky at night? (Answer: The moon and stars)

  • Can you show me how the stars twinkle? (Encourage them to wiggle their fingers)

Hand Motions:

  • Sun Gesture: Make a large circle with arms, saying, "God made the sun!"

  • Moon and Stars Gesture: Use one hand to make a smaller circle for the moon and twinkle fingers for stars, saying, "And He made the moon and stars!"


  • Star Gazing: Look at the sky (if possible) and point out stars, saying, "These are the stars God made."

  • Sun and Moon Imitation: Rotate arms in a circular motion for the sun and gently sway one hand like a crescent moon.

Day 5: Fish and Birds

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 5th day, God created all the fish that swim in the seas and the birds that fly in the sky.

  • He made them to fill the waters and the air with life.


  • What swims in the water? (Answer: Fish)

  • What flies in the sky? (Answer: Birds)

  • Can you make a fish face or bird wings?

Hand Motions:

  • Fish Gesture: Move hands side to side like swimming fish, saying, "God made the fish!"

  • Bird Gesture: Flap arms like wings, saying, "And He made the birds!"


  • Fish and Bird Sounds: Make sounds like fish swimming and birds chirping.

  • Animal Imitation: Encourage the child to mimic swimming fish and flying birds.

Day 6: Animals and People

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 6th day, God made all the animals - elephants, lions, tiny ants, and more!

  • He also made the first people, Adam and Eve, to take care of the world and love each other.


  • What’s your favorite animal that God made? (Encourage them to name any animal)

  • Who were the first people God made? (Answer: Adam and Eve)

  • Can you pretend to be your favorite animal? (Encourage playful role-playing)

Hand Motions:

  • Animal Gesture: Pretend to be different animals (e.g., roar like a lion, flap like a bird), saying, "God made the animals!"

  • People Gesture: Point to self and the child, saying, "God made us!"


  • Animal Sounds: Imitate various animal sounds together.

  • Role-Playing: Take turns pretending to be animals or people taking care of the world.

Day 7: God Rested

Parent Explanation:

  • On the 7th day, God rested from all His work.

  • He showed us that resting is important and good.


  • What’s your favorite animal that God made? (Encourage them to name any animal)

  • Who were the first people God made? (Answer: Adam and Eve)

Hand Motions:

  • Rest Gesture: Stretch arms out and lean back gently, saying, "God rested."

  • Sleep Gesture: Pretend to sleep by closing eyes and taking deep breaths.


  • Quiet Time: Encourage a short rest or quiet cuddle time together.

  • Gentle Swaying: Gently sway back and forth to mimic resting.

Closing Prayer: Dear God, thank you for making the world so beautiful and for making me. Help me to love and take care of your creation. Amen!

Lesson 2: What Is The Story Of The First Humans Adam And Eve?