Lesson 32 - The Sermon On The Mount
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Matthew 5:8)

The Beatitudes
Parent Explanation:
Jesus told people about ways we can be really happy, like being kind and gentle. He said God blesses those who do these things.
Questions to Ask:
What does it mean to be blessed? (Answer: To be happy and loved by God)
Can you think of a way to be kind like Jesus said? (Encourage any example of kindness)
Hand Motions:
Heart Gesture: Place hands over heart to show love and kindness.
Happy Face: Smile broadly, expressing the happiness from living as Jesus taught.
Blessing Crafts: Create simple crafts like heart or smiley face stickers that represent each Beatitude.
Interactive Question: What makes you feel happy and loved?

Loving Others
Parent Explanation:
Jesus wants us to be kind and love everyone, even people who are sometimes mean. This helps us be better and happier people.
Questions to Ask:
Who should we love? (Answer: Everyone)
How can we show love to others? (Encourage simple actions like sharing, helping, or saying kind words)
Hand Motions:
Hugging Arms: Wrap arms around oneself as if giving a hug.
Outstretched Hands: Stretch arms out wide to show love spreading to others.
Kindness Role-Play: Act out scenarios where children show love through sharing or helping.
Question: What can you do to make someone smile today?

How to Pray: The Lord's Prayer
Parent Explanation:
Jesus taught us a special prayer to say to God. It helps us remember to thank God, ask for what we need, and get help to be good.
Questions to Ask:
What is the Lord’s Prayer? (If known, recite together)
What do we ask for in this prayer? (Discuss the parts asking for daily bread, forgiveness, and guidance)
Hand Motions:
Praying Hands: Fold hands in prayer.
Daily Bread: Pretend to break bread, symbolizing daily needs.
Prayer Circle: Encourage children to say a part of the Lord’s Prayer with help or share something they’d like to pray about.
Question: What would you like to thank God for?

Treasures in Heaven
Parent Explanation:
Jesus said that the best treasures aren’t things we can touch, like toys, but are the good things we do that make the world a better place.
Questions to Ask:
What are treasures in heaven? (Encourage ideas like being loving, kind, honest)
How can we gather these treasures? (Discuss being generous, kind, and faithful)
Hand Motions:
Heart Treasure: Point to heart, then lift hands up to heaven.
Collecting Gesture: Mimic picking things up and storing them in the heart.
Heavenly Treasure Chest: Decorate a box as a treasure chest and fill it with notes or drawings of heavenly treasures (acts of kindness, prayers, etc.).
Question: What good thing did you do today that is a treasure in heaven?

The Wise and Foolish Builders
Parent Explanation:
Jesus shared a story about building houses to teach us that when we listen and do what He says, we are strong like a house built on a rock.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to the house built on the rock? (Answer: It stood firm)
Why is it important to listen to Jesus? (Answer: So we can be strong and safe)
Hand Motions:
Building Gesture: Use hands to show building actions.
Rock Foundation: Clench fist to show strength and firmness.
Building Blocks: Use blocks to build houses on different surfaces, showing the effect of a strong versus weak foundation.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite thing Jesus taught in the Sermon on the Mount?