Lesson 44 - Pentecost
And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested[e] on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2-4)

The Disciples Gather
Parent Explanation:
After Jesus went up to heaven, His friends stayed together in a big room. They were waiting for a special gift Jesus promised to send from God.
Questions to Ask:
Why were the disciples together? (Answer: Waiting for the Holy Spirit)
What is waiting patiently? (Discuss the importance of waiting for something special)
Hand Motions:
Hands Together: Clasp hands together to show unity.
Looking Around: Move head from side to side as if looking for something expected.
Group Circle: Form a circle holding hands, symbolizing unity and togetherness.
Interactive Question: What do you like to do with your friends?

The Coming of the Holy Spirit
Parent Explanation:
A big wind sound filled the room, and little flames sat on everyone’s heads but didn’t hurt them! It was the Holy Spirit coming to be with them.
Questions to Ask:
What did the disciples hear? (Answer: A sound like a strong wind)
What did they see? (Answer: Flames above their heads)
Hand Motions:
Wind Blowing: Blow out cheeks and puff out air.
Flames Gesture: Wiggle fingers above head to represent flames.
Wind and Fire Craft: Create simple crafts with paper to represent wind and fire.
Question: Have you ever felt a strong wind? What was it like?

Speaking in Tongues
Parent Explanation:
When the Holy Spirit came, the disciples started speaking different languages so everyone could understand how much Jesus loves them.
Questions to Ask:
What happened when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples? (Answer: They spoke in different languages)
Why is it important to understand each other? (Discuss communication and understanding)
Hand Motions:
Talking Hands: Move hands like talking.
Listening Ears: Cup ears with hands.
Language Game: Use simple words from different languages for common items.
Question: How do you feel when someone understands you?

Peter's Sermon
Parent Explanation:
Peter talked to a big crowd, telling them all about Jesus and how He came to help and save everyone.
Questions to Ask:
What did Peter talk about? (Answer: About Jesus)
Why was Peter's message important? (Discuss sharing good news)
Hand Motions:
Standing Tall: Stand up straight to show Peter standing to speak.
Speaking Loudly: Cup hands around mouth as if projecting voice.
Storytelling Time: Retell the story of Jesus using simple words and pictures.
Question: Who would you like to tell a story about?

The Growth of the Church
Parent Explanation:
After Peter spoke, lots of people decided to follow Jesus. They all became great friends and helped each other just like a big family.
Questions to Ask:
What did the new believers do together? (Answer: Shared, prayed, and helped each other)
How can we be like the early Christians? (Discuss sharing and caring for others)
Hand Motions:
Hands Sharing: Pass an imaginary object from hand to hand.
Praying Hands: Fold hands in prayer.
Community Helpers: Talk about ways to help in the community or at home.
Favorite Part: What is your favorite way to help others?