What Was The Pentecost And How Do You Get The Holy Spirit?
What Was The Pentecost And How Do You Get The Holy Spirit?

What Was The Pentecost And How Do You Get The Holy Spirit?

Pentecost (Acts 2) For Toddlers (Ages 2-4)

Lesson 44 - Pentecost

And suddenly there came from heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested[e] on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:2-4)

The Disciples Gather

Parent Explanation:

  • After Jesus went up to heaven, His friends stayed together in a big room. They were waiting for a special gift Jesus promised to send from God.

Questions to Ask:

  • Why were the disciples together? (Answer: Waiting for the Holy Spirit)

  • What is waiting patiently? (Discuss the importance of waiting for something special)

Hand Motions:

  • Hands Together: Clasp hands together to show unity.

  • Looking Around: Move head from side to side as if looking for something expected.


  • Group Circle: Form a circle holding hands, symbolizing unity and togetherness.

  • Interactive Question: What do you like to do with your friends?

The Coming of the Holy Spirit

Parent Explanation:

  • A big wind sound filled the room, and little flames sat on everyone’s heads but didn’t hurt them! It was the Holy Spirit coming to be with them.

Questions to Ask:

  • What did the disciples hear? (Answer: A sound like a strong wind)

  • What did they see? (Answer: Flames above their heads)

Hand Motions:

  • Wind Blowing: Blow out cheeks and puff out air.

  • Flames Gesture: Wiggle fingers above head to represent flames.


  • Wind and Fire Craft: Create simple crafts with paper to represent wind and fire.

  • Question: Have you ever felt a strong wind? What was it like?

Speaking in Tongues

Parent Explanation:

  • When the Holy Spirit came, the disciples started speaking different languages so everyone could understand how much Jesus loves them.

Questions to Ask:

  • What happened when the Holy Spirit filled the disciples? (Answer: They spoke in different languages)

  • Why is it important to understand each other? (Discuss communication and understanding)

Hand Motions:

  • Talking Hands: Move hands like talking.

  • Listening Ears: Cup ears with hands.


  • Language Game: Use simple words from different languages for common items.

  • Question: How do you feel when someone understands you?

Peter's Sermon

Parent Explanation:

  • Peter talked to a big crowd, telling them all about Jesus and how He came to help and save everyone.

Questions to Ask:

  • What did Peter talk about? (Answer: About Jesus)

  • Why was Peter's message important? (Discuss sharing good news)

Hand Motions:

  • Standing Tall: Stand up straight to show Peter standing to speak.

  • Speaking Loudly: Cup hands around mouth as if projecting voice.


  • Storytelling Time: Retell the story of Jesus using simple words and pictures.

  • Question: Who would you like to tell a story about?

The Growth of the Church

Parent Explanation:

  • After Peter spoke, lots of people decided to follow Jesus. They all became great friends and helped each other just like a big family.

Questions to Ask:

  • What did the new believers do together? (Answer: Shared, prayed, and helped each other)

  • How can we be like the early Christians? (Discuss sharing and caring for others)

Hand Motions:

  • Hands Sharing: Pass an imaginary object from hand to hand.

  • Praying Hands: Fold hands in prayer.


  • Community Helpers: Talk about ways to help in the community or at home.

  • Favorite Part: What is your favorite way to help others?

Closing Prayer: Dear God, thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to help and guide us. Help us to be good friends like the first Christians, sharing and caring for each other. Amen!

Lesson 45: Who Was Philip And The Ethiopian?