Lesson 22 - Job
And the Lord restored the fortunes of Job, when he had prayed for his friends. And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before. (Job 42:10)

Job Was a Good Man
Parent Explanation:
Job was a good man who loved and followed God.
He had many blessings like family, animals, and a nice home because God was pleased with him.
What kind of man was Job? (Answer: He was good and loved God.)
Why did Job have so many blessings? (Answer: Because God was pleased with him.)
Hand Motions:
Job loves God: Place hands over your heart and smile to show love for God.
Job has many blessings: Spread arms wide to show lots of blessings like Job’s family, animals, and home.
Blessing Hunt Game: Pretend to find blessings by pointing around the room and naming things you’re thankful for (like food, family, toys). Talk about how Job had many blessings because he loved God.
Blessings Dance: Dance together to celebrate blessings, naming different blessings while twirling and smiling.

Job Lost Everything
Parent Explanation:
Job suddenly lost everything - his animals, his house, and even his children. But he still trusted God.
Even though Job was sad, he didn’t get angry with God. He knew that God is good.
What did Job lose? (Everything - his animals, house, and children.)
Did Job stop trusting God when things were hard? (No, he still trusted God.)
Hand Motions:
Job lost everything: Hold hands up, then drop them down slowly with a sad face.
Job trusted God: Place hands together like praying and smile softly.
Losing and Finding Game: Pretend to lose things around the room (without actual objects). Walk around looking sad, then "find" them and talk about how Job trusted God even though he lost everything.
Sad but Trusting Walk: Walk around with a sad face, then suddenly stop and place hands together in prayer, just like Job trusted God when things were hard.

Job Got Sick
Parent Explanation:
After losing everything, Job also got very sick with painful sores on his body.
Even though Job was sick and in pain, he still trusted God to take care of him.
What happened to Job after he lost everything? (He got very sick.)
Did Job give up on trusting God? (No, he still trusted God.)
Hand Motions:
Job got sick: Pretend to feel sick by holding your stomach and making a sad face.
Job trusted God even when sick: Hold one hand on your stomach and the other in a praying position.
Pretend Doctor Game: Pretend you are doctors helping Job. Ask, "How do we feel when we’re sick?" and talk about how Job trusted God even when he was in pain.
Strong in Trust Stance: Stand still with hands on your stomach (like you’re feeling sick), then raise your hands in prayer to show that Job stayed strong in trusting God even when he was sick.

Job’s Friends Gave Bad Advice
Parent Explanation:
Job’s friends came to see him, but they didn’t give good advice. They told Job to stop trusting God.
Even though his friends said wrong things, Job kept trusting God.
What did Job’s friends tell him to do? (They told him to stop trusting God.)
Did Job listen to his friends or to God? (He listened to God.)
Hand Motions:
Job’s friends said bad things: Shake your head and wag your finger as if saying "No!"
Job kept trusting God: Put hands together in prayer and smile to show trust in God.
Good vs. Bad Advice Play: Act out giving bad advice like Job’s friends (“You should stop trusting God”) and good advice like Job trusted God (“God is with you!”). Let your child choose the right advice.
Listening Ears Game: Pretend to put on “listening ears” (by cupping hands over ears) and decide to only listen to God, like Job did.

God Blessed Job Again
Parent Explanation:
After Job trusted God through hard times, God gave him back more than he had before—more animals, a new house, and more children.
God shows us that even when life is hard, He can make things better in His time.
What did God give Job at the end? (More than he had before—animals, a house, and children.)
Does God take care of us when we trust Him? (Yes, God takes care of us!)
Hand Motions:
God blessed Job: Stretch arms wide to show lots of blessings.
God takes care of us: Cross arms over your chest, like hugging yourself.
Blessings Dance: Dance around happily, naming things that God blesses us with (family, love, health, etc.), just like God blessed Job.
Build a New Life Walk: Walk around the room and pretend to build (stack hands like blocks) new blessings like Job’s new house, animals, and children after he trusted God.