Jesus Walking On Water
Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31)

Jesus Sends the Disciples Ahead
Parent Explanation:
After a busy day, Jesus wanted to talk to God by Himself, so He asked His friends to go on a boat trip without Him while He prayed.
Questions to Ask:
Why did Jesus stay behind? (Answer: To pray)
What did the disciples do? (Answer: They went on the boat)
Hand Motions:
Praying Hands: Fold hands in prayer.
Rowing Gesture: Pretend to row a boat.
Quiet Prayer Time: Encourage a moment of quiet where children can think or pray silently.
Interactive Question: What do you do when you need quiet time?

The Storm at Sea
Parent Explanation:
The disciples were in their boat when a huge storm started. The wind was strong and the waves were big, and they got very scared.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to the disciples on the boat? (Answer: A storm made them scared)
Have you ever been scared by a storm? (Encourage sharing feelings about storms)
Hand Motions:
Waving Arms: Wave arms to mimic large waves.
Shivering Gesture: Hug self as if cold or scared.
Storm in a Bottle: Create a simple 'storm in a bottle' using water, glitter, and dish soap to simulate a sea storm.
Question: What helps you feel safe during a storm?

Jesus Walks on Water
Parent Explanation:
Imagine how amazed the disciples were to see Jesus walking on the water towards them, right through the storm, like it was just a walk in the park!
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus do during the storm? (Answer: He walked on water)
Why is it amazing that Jesus walked on water? (Discuss the impossibility and miracle of it)
Hand Motions:
Walking Gesture: Walk in place.
Surprised Face: Open eyes wide and drop jaw in amazement.
Water Walking Relay: Have a fun relay where children walk on a defined path, pretending to walk on water.
Question: What would you think if you saw someone walking on water?

Peter's Attempt and Doubt
Parent Explanation:
Peter tried to walk on water too, but when he got scared of the wind and waves, he started to sink. Jesus helped him and told him to keep believing.
Questions to Ask:
What happened to Peter on the water? (Answer: He started to sink because he was scared)
What did Jesus do for Peter? (Answer: He saved him and asked him to have faith)
Hand Motions:
Sinking Gesture: Slowly crouch down as if sinking.
Reaching Out: Stretch out one hand, like Jesus reaching to save Peter.
Balance Game: Try a simple balance game on a line or beam to simulate walking on water and focusing on staying upright.
Question: What scares you, and how can you trust more?

Jesus Calms the Storm and Their Fears
Parent Explanation:
Once everyone was back in the boat, Jesus made the storm stop just like that! His friends were so amazed and knew He really was the Son of God.
Questions to Ask:
What did Jesus do to the storm? (Answer: He calmed it)
How did the disciples feel after Jesus calmed the storm? (Answer: Amazed and thankful)
Hand Motions:
Calming Gesture: Smooth hands downward to represent calming the storm.
Worship Pose: Place hands together, look up, and smile, showing worship and gratitude.
Calm After the Storm Art: Draw or paint pictures of calm seas after a storm.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part of the story of Jesus walking on water?