Lesson 28 - The Birth Of Christ
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. (Luke 2-11)

The Angel's Announcement
Parent Explanation:
Mary was visited by an angel who gave her surprising news: she was going to have a baby named Jesus, who would be very special.
Questions to Ask:
Who came to visit Mary? (Answer: The angel Gabriel)
What did the angel tell Mary? (Answer: She would have a baby named Jesus)
Hand Motions:
Angel Wings: Flutter hands at the sides like wings.
Surprised Face: Open eyes wide and cover mouth in surprise.
Angel Craft: Make simple angel crafts to help remember the story.
Interactive Question: How do you think Mary felt when she heard the angel's news?

Mary and Joseph's Journey
Parent Explanation:
Mary and Joseph had to take a long trip to Bethlehem when Mary was very close to having baby Jesus. It was a hard journey, but very important.
Questions to Ask:
Where did Mary and Joseph travel? (Answer: Bethlehem)
Why did they go there? (Answer: To be counted in a census)
Hand Motions:
Walking Gesture: March in place to mimic traveling.
Cradling Gesture: Pretend to hold and protect a baby belly.
Journey Map: Draw a simple map and trace the path Mary and Joseph might have taken.
Question: What do you take with you when you go on a trip?

Jesus is Born in Bethlehem
Parent Explanation:
Even though there was no fancy place for them to stay, Jesus was born in a stable and laid in a manger, showing that beginnings can be humble yet very special.
Questions to Ask:
Where was Jesus born? (Answer: In a stable)
What was Jesus' first bed? (Answer: A manger)
Hand Motions:
Baby Cradle: Rock arms as if holding a baby.
Star Pointing: Point to the sky, indicating the star above the stable.
Manger Scene: Create a simple manger scene using crafts.
Question: What makes your home special, like where Jesus was born?

The Shepherds' Visit
Parent Explanation:
Some shepherds came to see baby Jesus after angels told them about his birth. They were so happy that they told everyone they met about Jesus.
Questions to Ask:
Who visited Jesus after he was born? (Answer: The shepherds)
What did the shepherds do after seeing Jesus? (Answer: They told others)
Hand Motions:
Joyful Jump: Jump up happily to show the shepherds' excitement.
Talking Hands: Move hands as if eagerly sharing news.
Shepherd Role Play: Pretend to be shepherds sharing the good news.
Question: What good news would you like to share with your friends?

The Wise Men from the East
Parent Explanation:
Some very wise men traveled a long way, guided by a star, to bring special gifts to baby Jesus because they knew he was very important.
Questions to Ask:
What gifts did the wise men bring Jesus? (Answer: Gold, frankincense, myrrh)
Why did the wise men visit Jesus? (Answer: To honor him)
Hand Motions:
Star Gazing: Shield eyes with hand and look up, searching the sky.
Gift Giving: Extend hands outward as if offering a gift.
Gift Box Decorating: Decorate small boxes to represent the gifts brought by the wise men.
Favorite Part: What was your favorite part about the story of Jesus' birth?