What A Mom Wants Most
What A Mom Wants Most

What A Mom Wants Most

By WonderfulWorks, December 20, 2024

What We Desire Most

"Now wait a minute!" You might be thinking. "You don't know me, and you're going to tell me the top 3 things I want most in life?!" Yes! For some, the chaos of motherhood clouds what we should prioritize most. We hope we can be an encouragement and guide to you in your journey through motherhood.

3. For Everything To Go Right

Right? You want a safe, loving, and supportive home environment. A loving husband. Building trust and open communication with all relatives and family. Creating memories and traditions that bind the family. Personal Growth. Contrary to popular belief, mothers don't just exist to serve. They have deep, complex desires for their own growth and well-being. This means:

  • Maintaining their identity beyond motherhood

  • Pursuing personal career and creative aspirations

  • Nurturing friendships and personal relationships

  • Taking time for self-care and mental health

  • Continuing to learn, evolve, and challenge themselves

2. Your Children

Almost more than anything, a mother wants her children to thrive. This isn't just about academic achievements or career milestones, but about genuine happiness and personal fulfillment. You dream of them finding their purpose in life. Maturing through challenges of life, and experiencing deep, meaningful relationships. You want them to discover and deploy their passions. Your love is a constant, unconditional force that wants nothing more than to see your kids become the best versions of themselves. This means:

  • Whispering prayers over sleeping children

  • Teaching Scripture not just as words, but as living, breathing truth

  • Modeling forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love

  • Creating a home where God's presence is as natural as breathing

1. God

At the very core of our existence is our relationship with the Lord. More than anything, we yearn for an intimate, transformative connection with Jesus Christ. We seek not just casual Sunday morning worship, but a daily, moment-by-moment surrender that shapes every aspect of our lives. This isn't about perfection, but about passionate pursuit. We want our children to see Christ reflected in our actions, our love, our patience, and our grace. We desire a faith so genuine that it overflows, touching every interaction, every challenge, every joy.

But let’s be honest - finding quiet time with God can feel impossible when you’re juggling feedings, tantrums, school schedules, and laundry. The good news is that God meets us right in the mess. Our prayer is simple yet profound: "Lord, let me decrease so that You may increase."